Manga Chapter 19

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[Y/N]: Hey. Sorry for making you wait.

Itsuki: U-Uh... Y-You're joking, right? That must be it. You always joke around.

[Y/N]: I'm not. I wish I was. Anyway... I pretty much think I'm the one waiting, why'd you leave the room?

Itsuki: I-I thought you wouldn't come to me!

[Y/N]: Why wouldn't I? I'm pretty sure I've given plenty of hints.

Itsuki: W-When it comes to you, it has always been a joke!

[Y/N]: Why are you stuttering?

Itsuki: Because this has got to be a mistake!

I raised my eyebrow obviously unsure about why Itsuki thinks that I'm just joking. And here I thought she had good confidence in herself.

Itsuki: [Y/N]-kun. I am hardly a likeable girl. There's barely anything about me that's attractive. I'm... I'm stupidly awkward, I eat a lot, and I've been nothing but a pain to you. So why... Why me...?

[Y/N]: Call me cheesy or whatever but... it's because I love you, Itsuki.

Itsuki: Ugh... That's so cheesy...

[Y/N]: So this is what I want to know. Is that if you share the same feelings.

Itsuki: I... I apologise!

I froze. I didn't exactly expect Itsuki to just give me an answer like that. She begins calling out to me as I sighed and raised the bag I had in my hand.

[Y/N]: Yotsuba gave me a coupon on the first day. I thought I could save it for exactly this moment.

Itsuki: E-Eh...?

[Y/N]: Karaage. The karaage from well obviously the karaage stall. You ate a whole lot of them when I told you all about my feelings.

Itsuki: F-Forget that!

[Y/N]: Oh, come on, you were cute~

Itsuki: C-C-Cute??

I took out the karaage and fed Itsuki one of them. I then smiled as I see Itsuki looking to the side. I swear I'll get her to say the same three words I said to her.

[Y/N]: So, Itsuki. Tell me. How do you feel?

Itsuki: U-Um... I really do apologise for this!

She grabbed the karaage from my hand and immediately ran out of the room. Shocked to see that she was running, I immediately went and ran to find her.

[Y/N]: I won't lose you!

I lost her.

[Y/N]: Fuck!

Miku: [Y/N].

[Y/N]: M-Miku!

I ran up to her but she suddenly pointed to her right which surprised me. Her face tells me that she knows that I chose Itsuki.

Miku: She went that way. There's no time to be talking to me right now.

[Y/N]: Ah... Thanks. And uhm... Sorry.

Miku: Just... go get her.

She smiles as I nod and run off to get Itsuki. I know that I can't lose her because her stamina is definitely a lot more than Itsuki's.

[Y/N]: Just where are you...


I looked to my right and see Itsuki eating the karaage while hiding. She looks at me and then goes back to eating before doing a double take.

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