Season 2 Chapter 22

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[Y/N]: With the national mock exams over, I'd like to discuss about the school trip. We'll be forming groups for our activities. Each group can have up to five people.


After talking about the school trip, Azuki, Maeda, Takeda, Futaro and I decided to go as a group since we're close enough. I'm sure the quints would be fine. They would've gone together as a group.

Azuki: Say, [Y/N], are you fine not going with the quints?

[Y/N]: They're quintuplets. They should already have a group together.

Futaro: They've been pretty suspicious lately, though.

Takeda: Uesugi-kun, are you stalking them?

Futaro: What!? No!

Maeda: If anyone is suspicious, it's most likely to be you, man.

Futaro: Why me!?

[Y/N]: Calm down. I bet they'll be fine. Hopefully.

Azuki: What if they're not?

[Y/N]: Then I'll just go and help them or something. I don't know.

It went quiet for the five of us. Sure, it's pretty awkward since we're on the topic about the quints. Things with them sure are rough somehow. It's definitely been off.

Futaro: We'll see you guys on the school trip. Is that alright?

Azuki: Yeah, should be good.

Maeda: We'll see you there.

Takeda: Indeed.

Going back to class, I see Yotsuba in a dark classroom. As a friend I would've gone in to talk to her but... I don't feel like facing any one of the quints at the moment.

(The Next Day)

Raiha: Jeez, Onii-chan. You're glued to your desk on your day-off again.

Futaro: What else am I supposed to do on my precious day-off?

I got up from the ground after having a little into thought moment. I then remembered something as I look at Raiha and got her attention.

[Y/N]: I have something for you in exchange for the birthday party. I'm sure Futaro has one as well.

Raiha: Is it a gift!?

Futaro then hands Raiha a small student handbook with the title, "Super easy-to-understand exam questions". Sure this is an awful thank you gift so I got a better one in case Raiha doesn't like it.

Raiha: No thanks.

Futaro: Huh!?

[Y/N]: Here, Raiha.

I handed her a box and she took it. She then opened it and it was a necklace. She puts on a smile before putting the necklace around her neck.

Raiha: I love it!

[Y/N]: It's a picture locket. Look inside.

She opens the locket and it was a picture of the time Raiha, Futaro, Itsuki and I went to that photo booth. I had another copy in my phone case so I guess it's good enough.

Raiha: Wow! I love it! Thank you, [Y/N]-onii-chan!

[Y/N]: You're welcome, Raiha. Futaro.

Futaro: Hm?

[Y/N]: Here. I didn't get to give you a birthday gift that time.

I tossed a box at him as he opens it to see a laptop. Of course, this blew away most of the money in my bank account but what else do I even have to live for. The Uesugi Family is my family now.

The Quintessential Quintuplets X MaleReaderWhere stories live. Discover now