Chapter 23

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I woke up rather tiredly as I sit up from bed. I put my hand on my forehead and it's burning so much. I then felt a shiver as I grabbed the blanket and put it over my head.

[Y/N]: Being sick on school camp sucks.

I decided to go back to sleep until the door bursts open. I look and see Yotsuba and Futaro. Smiles on their faces as I was pretty confused on what they were doing here.

Yotsuba: [Y/N]-san!

Futaro: I told you he was going back to sleep.

Yotsuba: You aren't getting away just because it's an optional activity! We're going skiing!

You might be wondering why Yotsuba is suggesting such a thing to a sick man like me. Well, to be clear, no one really knows I'm sick. They only know Ichika getting sick after last night's incident. I decided not to tell them 'cause I didn't want to ruin their fun. Though, I am bored so skiing should be fun.

Wearing the ski outfit, Futaro and I followed Yotsuba to start skiing. Though, it felt cold so I wasn't liking it much.

[Y/N]: It's cold. I wanna go back to sleep.

Futaro: I don't even know how to ski.

Yotsuba: Sleeping is a waste of time.

[Y/N]: Excuse me?

Yotsuba: Uesugi-san, if you really can't ski, I'll hold your hands and guide you.

Futaro had a blush on his cheeks as I chuckled. I then mustered up enough strength to get excited and enough to actually ski.

[Y/N]: Alright! Let's ski! Oh, by the way, where's the idiot quartet?

Yotsuba: Ichika's sick, and Itsuki's taking care of her.

[Y/N]: I guess that's not surprising after what happened.

Futaro: What were you two even doing? Yotsuba, you should've checked before you locked the door.

Yotsuba: What are you talking about?

[Y/N]: I suppose Nino's already skiing. She wouldn't want to miss out on this. Where's Miku?

Miku: Right here.

I look back and see Miku in such a cute hat. But since I'm sick my vision wasn't all that great. I'm not even sure if it's Miku or not.

[Y/N]: It's really hard to tell from just your faces.

I look closer to Miku's face as she started sliding back. She then fell on her butt as I started chuckling.

[Y/N]: That was a spectacular fall. Are you okay, Miku?

I reach my hand out to her with a soft smile. She looks to side and sighs before getting up without my help.

Miku: Yeah. I'm fine.

[Y/N]: A-ah... okay...

I look back at Yotsuba who was guiding Futaro before he fell flat face first into the snow. Yotsuba laughs at him as he gets up slowly.

[Y/N]: I guess we should have fun for now. And uh Miku...

Miku: Hm?

[Y/N]: I'm sorry.

Miku looked up at me, surprised as I put on my hood. I then turn the other way and started skiing as fast as I can. I past Futaro who was rather slow as I stop in front of him.

[Y/N]: Ha! You look awkward.

???: You can say that again.

I look behind me as I see yet anothed person. This time, I don't even see her face. She has goggles and mask and her hood on. Such secure identity.

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