Season 2 Chapter 4

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Futaro, Raiha, Itsuki and I were in the bedroom. Isanari had to go to work so it's just us. I slept in the bedding next to Itsuki because I wanted to tease her more. I turned away from the ceiling and looked at Itsuki.

[Y/N]: Hey.

Itsuki: H-Hi...

[Y/N]: I didn't think you'd be awake. I was just going to watch you sleep.

Itsuki: That's kind of creepy.

[Y/N]: When it's someone as beautiful as you, I don't find it creepy.

Itsuki: S-Stop teasing me... Raiha-chan and Uesugi-kun might wake up. 

Futaro: I'm still awake. I can't sleep with you two flirting back there.

I looked up and chuckled when I see Futaro had his back towards us. I'm guessing since Itsuki's here, he finds all this awkward.

[Y/N]: Hey, Itsuki. You wanna go out for a walk?

Itsuki: H-Huh? S-Sure.


Futaro: Finally, I can't handle those two lovebirds...


Itsuki and I walk through the park near a lake as I take a deep breath of fresh hair. I then look up at the moon. It's so bright. Must be a good night to be alive.

Itsuki: The moon's so bright.

[Y/N]: Yeah, I guess.

Itsuki: Sheesh. You lack class.

[Y/N]: I don't want a lecture on "class" from someone who practically drank that curry. *laughs*

Itsuki: I-I couldn't help it! I hadn't eaten in a day!

I continued to laugh as Itsuki looks down embarrassed. I gently pat her head and lift her head up by her chin. She blushes again which I am surprised since I basically do this a lot to her.

[Y/N]: Chin up. You're vulnerable when you look down.

Itsuki: R-Right...

[Y/N]: Itsuki... As much as I want you to stay with us, you need to go home. Miku's worried, too.

Itsuki: I can't do that this time. I can't go home until Nino apologises. Of course, I can't countinue to be a bother to you all, either.

[Y/N]: And then what? You leave and where are you gonna go? You neither have your wallet nor anywhere to go.

Itsuki: Ah- P-Please let me stay a little longer! I'll do anything to help!

She bows down as I laughed at the sight. But I can't just let her stay in the Uesugi household too long or else Miku can get really worried.

[Y/N]: No way! Go home! Besides, I don't think a well-to-do girl like you could survive in a place like ours.

Itsuki: I'm not well-to-do.

[Y/N]: Huh?

Itsuki: We were living a similar lifestyle until just a few years ago.

[Y/N]: Really?

Itsuki: Mhm. Until our mother got remarried, to our current father, we lived in extreme poverty. Of course we did. She had to raise five children all at once. And our mother, who raised us all on her own, fell ill. That's why I decided to guide the others in my mother's stead. But it hasn't worked out as I'd planned.

Her ahoge drops down as I chuckled and pat her head. Without a second thought, Itsuki comes and clings onto me. Her head resting on my chest as I held her head.

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