Chapter 18

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I was walking with Futaro in the school halls with a manga in hand. Futaro was studying while I was yet again confused.

[Y/N]: Tomorrow is yet another day, huh.

Futaro: You got that right.

Yotsuba: Uesugi-san! [Y/N]-san!

I look ahead of us after hearing Yotsuba's voice but I couldn't see her. Suddenly, she crashes into us from behind getting me to fall.

[Y/N]: Yotsuba!

Yotsuba: Tomorrow is finally the day!

Futaro: For what?

Yotsuba: What else would it be?

[Y/N]: Oh, I don't know. Study sessions?

Yotsuba: Not that! This!

She then threw a leaflet at me as I caught it and read the title. I stood back up and gave her the leaflet back before taking in a deep breath.

[Y/N]: Oh.

Yotsuba: What a lame reaction! It's the School Camp! It's full of fun events. Outdoor cooking, skiing, fishing, hiking, and then... the campfire! And it's dance legend! I heard there are a lot of people who start dating because of it.

[Y/N]: Blegh. Love. What a waste of time.

Futaro: I agree. Relations between students are a waste of time.

Yotsuba: B-Bur wouldn't you two want to date someone you have feelings for?

[Y/N]: Someone I have feelings for...

I think back to the two girls Futaro and I met back then before shaking my head. I then sighed as I turned around and put my hands in my pockets.

[Y/N]: Sure, I guess but what's the use of it?

Yotsuba: Wouldn't it be romantic, though? You two are just lame and always on with studies! I bet Miku agrees with me. Right, Miku?

Yotsuba looks at Miku who only just looks at the ground complexed in her own reality. I poked her forehead as she snaps back to reality.

Miku: Why... do we date people we like?

Yotsuba, Futaro and [Y/N]: Eh?

Ichika: That's because you love the person so much, you can't help it. You must have an idea of what's that like, Miku.

Miku: I-I don't...

Futaro: Alright... Now that we're all here, let's start studying.

Yotsuba: Eh? Again?!

[Y/N]: Ugh, just when I thought I wouldn't have to struggle trying to get Yotsuba to understand the language we speak again.

Ichika: I have a shoot. So I'll pass. Actually, I sent you two a message about that.

[Y/N]: Yeah I got that.

Futaro: You did?

Futaro checks his phone while I sighed and looked at mine to show Futaro the message if he didn't get it. I looked towards Yotsuba who was slowly backing away.

[Y/N]: Yotsuba...

Yotsuba: I have to prepare for tomorrow, too! Hehehe!

Yotsuba starts using the joestar technique as I chuckled and just put my hands back in my pocket while Futaro tries to stop her.

Futaro: Jeez... I'll go get her.

[Y/N]: Go get her, tiger.

Futaro then starts running off to catch up with Yotsuba as I chuckled and turned around until I heard Ichika say something.

The Quintessential Quintuplets X MaleReaderWhere stories live. Discover now