Season 2 Chapter 5

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Futaro helps me out of the river as I looked down looking like I was dead. Though, I can't say that Futaro was that much different from me. The two of us fell into the lake... I can't say why...

I hear footsteps as I look up and see Yotsuba on a jog. She was surprised to see us as she stopped her jog.

Yotsuba: [Y/N]-san! Uesugi-san! U-Uh... Sorry, I'm in the middle of practice. Please take care of Nino and Itsuki for me.

She continues her jog as I looked down. The thought of what happened earlier dawned on me but there's no more time for that. I look up at Futaro as he looks at me.

[Y/N]: Go find Itsuki. I'll get Nino...

He nods as I walked to the luxury hotel. Despite being wet and so into thought, I didn't care anymore. It's like I went back in time and I didn't care about anything anymore.

I reached the hotel and went inside to try and talk to Nino. The security stopped me, already knowing that I'm trying to get to Nino.

Security #1: How many times do we have to tell you? We can't let you in!

Security #2: Turn back right away please!

I sighed as I nodded and turned back. At this point, I don't really care that I'm giving up. If Nino's willing to stay here forever then so be it. It's not my problem.

As I was reaching for the door handle, a towel comes flying to my head. I took it and saw that it was a white and pink coloured towel with hearts on it.

Nino: If the other guests see you walking around looking like a bum, they'll think you're an eyesore.

I turned to look at Nino without even the slightest care. She grabbed my wrist and dragged me to her room. She noticed something about me but then again... I don't care.

Nino: This is too much...


I was now showering in the hotel room as Nino was waiting outside. I sighed as I washed my hair and got the leaves out of it. I explained what happened to Nino as she was somehow disappointed at me.

Nino: You fell into the lake? No wonder you smell so bad. You better use treatment, too, and not just shampoo. Got it?

[Y/N]: Fine. Damn it, what a pain. I can't believe you put up with having such long hair.

Nino: Y-Yeah, well, I wash it every day. I wonder if you could care for so much hair.

[Y/N]: I have thought about getting it that long in the first place but then thought of how much of a pain it is.

Nino: I just imagined you with long hair, and now I feel sick.

[Y/N]: Nah, you'd love it, wouldn't you? Don't underestimate my potential.

Hm. I just noticed something. I'm talking to Nino. I guess I have no trouble talking to her when it's just one-to-one. Maybe I don't fully understand Nino yet.

Nino: Then you should do something about your weird hair.

[Y/N]: This is the only cut Raiha know how to do.

Nino: You look like Uesugi. Why do you even make your family cut your hair?

[Y/N]: Why don't you get your family to do yours, too? Maybe Yotsuba.

Nino: No way in hell.

I chuckled and turned on the water to wash my hair. Having this small talk... It's enough to even lift up my mood. I just hope she doesn't ask about-

The Quintessential Quintuplets X MaleReaderWhere stories live. Discover now