Manga Chapter 12

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(Miku POV)

Yotsuba: Hmm... I'm sure I heard [Y/N]-san's voice coming from over here... Miku, try not to push yourself. Things were rough for you yesterday, right?

Miku: No, I'm fine now... I was just tired from everything happening. [Y/N], where are you...? I want to see you...

I looked down, tired from running around trying to find [Y/N]. I couldn't find him anywhere so I asked Yotsuba for help.

Yotsuba: I heard you ironed things out with the takyoaki boys.

Miku: I did but... in the end-

???: You mean the class who had their stall suspended was yours!?

I noticed the Takoyaki Representative talking to someone from another class. It seems that he's told him about the Takoyaki stall being suspended.

Takoyaki Representative: Yeeep. It was seriously so damn pointless.

Classmate's Friend: Oh cone on, you got my hopes up and everything being so proud of it. What am I supposed to fill my stomach with now?

Miku: Uh, Um-

He then suggests something to eat as I widened my eyes. Just now, he...

Yotsuba: Miku, I found [Y/N]-san! He really was outside. And he's chatting with some girl I don't recognise and Uesugi-san.

Miku: Huh?

Yotsuba and I walked outside and looked to see [Y/N], Futaro and some girl. I clenched my fist seeing how he's with another girl but I might have the wrong idea.

Yotsuba: Do you know who she is?

Miku: No. Don't tell me...

Yotsuba: M-Maybe she just happened to be there. We'll find out if we get closer. I mean, didn't [Y/N]-san tell us yesterday that he l-loves all four of you? Let's believe in him!

Miku: Believe... Around the time we met him... I was told... To believe in what I love. Thinking about it now, that might have just been him trying to smooth-talk me into accepting Futaro as my tutor. But still...

Yotsuba: Yeah. Since it's [Y/N]-san, I wouldn't be surprised he really meant it.

Miku: No matter what happens... Because I love [Y/N]...

Because I love [Y/N]. I believed in him and was able to make it this far. But I was also the one who split the class... No matter how much courage I muster up, there are some outcomes that can't he changed.

Miku: When that happens. What should I do? Does it mean I made the wrong choice?

I was going to walk up to them to ask about their relationship but I couldn't do it. Why couldn't I ask them what their relationship was then and there? "To believe in the person I love." Can I not do something that simple...? 

I got to school rather early for the final day of the festival. Entering the school, I bumped into Nino who wore an apron.

Nino: Ah, Miku. You're early. Sorry for leaving you in charge of the stsll on such short notice.

Miku: Not at all. I'm sorry too. Wait, why the apron...?

Nino: ... About that... I was thinking of relaying this to everyone later, but... Get this.

Nino then tells me that she's made up with dad and what he said to Nino which made me surprised. Going to the pancake stall, I hear my classmates talking about the last day of the sunrise festival.

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