Season 2 Chapter 10

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[Y/N]: Hi, Mr. Nakano.

Mr. Nakano: [Y/N]-kun. Aren't the finals coming up?

Futaro: Oh, yes, yes, your daughters are all working hard.

Mr. Nakano: I see. I expect good things from it.

Right now, we were talking to Mr. Nakano on Itsuki's phone. Having to be on the school rooftop since we didn't want the quints to know what we were about to do.

[Y/N]: Oh, Mr. Nakano. May I ask for a selfish request?

Mr. Nakano: What is it?

[Y/N]: I'd like to quit tutoring as of today.

Futaro: And so do I.

Mr. Nakano was silent as I put on a smile. All the flames that I had to keep under a cold winter, I let it all out.

[Y/N]: Say... Were you aware that Nino and Itsuki got into a fight and ran away from home?

Mr. Nakano: I never heard about this. Have they resolved their issues?

Futaro: Yes.

Mr. Nakano: Great. Goodbye.

Futaro and I looked at each other as I started to chuckle. Mr. Nakano, who was just about to end the call, noticed me laughing as he proceeds to listen.

[Y/N]: Is that it? Aren't you curious about why they got into a fight?

Futaro knows what's about to happen as he backs away from me. I then grabbed the phone from Futaro as I hold it up in front of me.

[Y/N]: Don't you care to know what they're thinking or what's bothering them? Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't talk like that to our employer. Silly me. Oh, wait, I'm fucking quitting. So why don't you try to fucking act like their fucking father for once!? Asshole! Piece of shit!

Futaro: Alright alright, calm down, [Y/N].

I growled at him as he puts his hands up in the air. I then began laughing as I look back at Itsuki's phone which Mr. Nakano was still listening.

[Y/N]: You're probably pissed as fuck at this point. Let me tell you something. Having the title of father for them doesn't mean you just sit there and tell someone else to take care of them! So, be a dad and fucking care about them!

I ended the call as I sighed and sat back down on the floor. Futaro looks at me as he leans back on the wall while I chuckled.

[Y/N]: God. I blew off way more steam than I needed to.

Futaro: He's gonna kill us.

[Y/N]: I doubt it. He's that bit of a dick to even want to kill us. But for now, let's just hope.


Futaro, Raiha and I were invited to the quints's place to celebrate New Year but... They're watching a fucking romance show without us.

[Y/N]: Why did you even invite us over?

Ichika: Come on, it's the new year. Let's relax.

Miku: Happy New Year, [Y/N], Futaro.

I turned around and see Miku. I then look down and see that she has a bento of whatever the fuck that is. It looks like she put normal food and doused them with poison!

Miku: I made New Year's meal. Want some?

[Y/N]: I-It's okay, Miku. I-I'm full.

My stomach grumbles as I look at Raiha to see that she seemed nervous. She was looking around the place which made me a little concerned for her.

The Quintessential Quintuplets X MaleReaderWhere stories live. Discover now