Manga Chapter 9

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(Ichika POV)

I was done acting for today as I stretched my arms. Walking back to my hotel, I was suddenly stopped by Oda.

Oda: Ichika-chan. Bad news. Someone just called and today's the second day of the festival, right? Apparently, your sister just collapsed.

Going to the hospital, I was genuinely concerned for my sister. I don't exactly know who collapsed but I hope she's okay.

After visiting her, I decided to go back. Leaving the room, I sent her my last regards and was about to leave until I heard footsteps.

[Y/N]: So, you're here, too.

Nino: Are you not in the middle of work?

Ichika: Nino... [Y/N]... Yeah, I got a call and I just couldn't stay put... How's everyone doing?

[Y/N]: Yeah, they've calmed down for the moment.

Nino: We're okay. Don't worry about us for now.

Ichika: I see... Okay.

Nino: Ah, I'm not done with cleaning uo yet, so I'm heading back to school. [N/N] send Ichika off.

[Y/N]: Alright.

With that, Nino leaves to go back to the school. [Y/N] and I stood there in silence for a minute until I spoke up to break the ice.

Ichika: O-Okay, I'm going home now.

[Y/N]: Yeah. Is your work gonna be okay tomorrow?

Ichika: Alright. I've got nothing tomorrow.

I turned around ready to leave but I stopped in my tracks. I then look back and called out to him only to find out that he called out to me as well.

Ichika: Eh, what?

[Y/N]: What were you gonna say?

It's nice to see [Y/N] being polite and letting me talk first. He really has changed from being an edgelord to becoming someone so caring.

Ichika: [Y/N], are you done with work for today.

[Y/N]: More or less.

Ichika: Then, how about we go for a walk. 

[Y/N] reluctantly agreed to going for a walk with me so we did. We went to where the fireworks festival was held and it was beautiful at night.

Ichika: Wow, this place is surprisingly big. Do you remember this place, [Y/N]?

[Y/N]: Heh, yeah. It's where the fireworks festival was held. It's pretty big with all the stands and people gone.

Ichika: Well, it's not like there isn't anyine else here.

I look towards an alley and see a couple making out inside. [Y/N] felt uncomfortable to watch that so he decided to walk ahead of me. I then hear crackling like fireworks from a distance.

Ichika: Ah, someone is still lighting fireworks.

[Y/N]: It's not far from school. Must be one of the students. Well, everyone's pretty excited.

Ichika: It's not like I don't understand, though. I mean we're in fhe middle of the school festival. A lot of couples will pop up over these three days, I think. Futaro and Yotsuba for example. And the third day in particular will be quite amazing. I thought you might say something like that, since you knew about it.

[Y/N]: Heh, do I look like the kind of guy to get caught up in social trends like that?

Ichika: Oh, come in. I know you're actually modest, underneath that hard shell of yours.

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