"I used to despise the idea of getting into another relationship with an android after Yoongi... because I was so afraid... but now... why does that fear leave me like it never existed when Jungkook is close by?" Jimin wondered and let out a sigh. "I know how I feel about him... it's growing every time I think about him and my love for Yoongi grows smaller... is this how it feels? Is this how it feels to slowly move on from the past?"

       At the same time, Jungkook walked out of Jimin's home and marched towards his own with a stare glowing in a bright red. His mood was swift to change since his mind had tucked away the idea of Jimin carefully before bringing up Hoseok. Once Hoseok came into mind, Jungkook couldn't hide the amount of frustration he had boiling up inside him.

       "Hoseok...." Jungkook called out the second he stepped into the house and closed the door behind him. "Where are you?!"

        "I'm in the kitchen," Hoseok called out and let out a sigh right after. Preparing himself for what came next when it came to unpredictable android.

       "Hoseok, make me more human..." Jungkook suddenly demanded and watched as Hoseok let out a chuckle as he set his buttered toast down onto a white plate. Almost as if he was taunting Jungkook with the way a human had basic needs like eating; something Jungkook was not designed to possess. "Why are you laughing?"

        "Because that is the stupidest thing I've heard coming out of your mouth. You are not human, Jungkook. It's impossible to become fully human. You lack many things!" Hoseok went on and watched as Jungkook's eyes vibrated with the red hue overcoming any hint of blue he had. "Don't burn yourself out either, you don't intimidate me..."

       "Then make me closer to humans! Give me everything that I lack when it comes to humans, give me what I need to feel similar, Hoseok!" Jungkook went on and became even more upset with the taunting smile Hoseok had the whole time. "Why aren't you taking me seriously?!"

       "Because, it's not possible. Shouldn't you be glad that I made you closer to a human as much as I could? What else do you want?" Hoseok asked, quickly sitting on the counter since he figured that this was going to be a long talk. "You can think, you can express yourself, you can feel... anything... physically and emotionally, you have a built in libido like humans do, you can actually perform more than other androids can when it comes to sex, you can listen to a human and their issues and ACTUALLY sympathize and comfort them without deactivating when you reach information overload... you can get jealous, you can get obsessive, you can become manipulative... you even have flaws like any other human should have! Shall I go on? Are you humbled yet?"

       "Hoseok you-"

        "Whatever did I fail to put in you now? Jeon Jungkook, you are close to being human as any other android would! Shouldn't you be proud of that? The more you envy humans the more problems will appear on your system! It's enough that incorporating tears into your system was a problem because one, you don't have real eyeballs! You are an android who's eyes can not handle water. Why can't you understand that? But no, my little android has to have it because he made a human cry after hurting him! Do you want to feel pain too? I'll give you that one without the coding!"

      Jungkook was silent as he kept his crimson glare locked onto his creator as he was told these things. His hands balled into a fist and his faint smile only surfaced while he scoffed and made a smile to himself.

       "And you're a little twisted too... I can't forget that one. What do you want me to do now? Give you my organs? What did you learn from Jimin that you want now?"

        "I want to breathe... gesturing it just like humans do but without having to do it manually," Jungkook said as he looked him in the eyes with his chilling glare. "And I want to be able to completely understand another's pain and not have to fake it in order to make them feel better..."

        "I can do that for you... but it won't be real. Nothing I give you is real... and you should accept that. At the end of the day, you're not human, Jungkook. You will always be artificial, do you understand me? I've told you many times... many, many times... you aren't like any other android out there because.... Well because you're not and-"

        "I'm not like any other android because Seokjin made them... right?" Jungkook asked and watched as Hoseok became silent. "If Seokjin made me I would be just like them."

       "You're wrong..." Hoseok answered and fought off many words he longed to say, yet, he remained there, speechless as Jungkook anticipated what other words he had yet to say.

      "How am I wrong? Jimin told me that all the other androids were made by Seokjin and that I was made by him too but I know I am different, that you made me with your bare hands! Didn't you? Didn't you make me who I am now? A failed experiment as you would always say?!"


       "Tell me! Tell me you made me and not Kim Seokjin!" Jungkook lashed out and kept his red glare locked onto Hoseok like he was a target as he got closer to who he believed was his creator. "TELL ME SO I WON'T FEEL CLOSER TO BEING JUST ANOTHER ANDROID!"

        "JUNGKOOK, ENOUGH ALREADY!" Hoseok shouted in return and quickly got off the counter before stepping forward to the point where he was face to face with the android. "And don't you cry now... don't try to make me feel bad for yelling at you like this when you need to be humbled! I know how you work and I know every manipulative tactic you have up your sleeve so cry me a river and glitch to it for all I care, it's about time you listen to me! I can't spoil you any further!"

       "All I ask is for you to tell me that it's true..."

        "Maybe I can tell you this so you could stop begging me to add on difficult features that would keep you envying humans even more. I draw the line now... I can't keep doing this to you when it will only make you more obsessive than you already are!"

         "I'm not obsessed..."

         "Yes you are, Jungkook! You find humans intriguing because you want to be them and if I didn't let you befriend Jimin, you would kill me in my sleep! This isn't right! Any more mishaps or concerning things I find out about you or if you manage to hurt Jimin, I will turn you in myself!"

       "Turn me in to who? You claim to be the one who created me..."

        "No, I did not... I only add onto your features and details," Hoseok confessed and watched the second Jungkook become silent. "I didn't create you... Seokjin did."

       "You're...you're bluffing..."

        "No, I'm not. I was only his right hand man. You... were his failed experiment.... But I couldn't help but to add on more things to you. Unfortunately, I became the fool that grew too fond of you but here we are... hiding you from the big man," Hoseok continued and stepped forward with every word he uttered to the android. "So, any mishap from you... any flaw I find out of you when it comes to that human Park Jimin, I will take you back to your creator to let him decide what to do with you. But, spoiler alert, Kim Seokjin hates flaws in his creations and you, my little android, are filled with them~" Hoseok concluded and raised his index finger to tap onto Jungkook's nose, but in seconds, the android was quick to prevent him from doing so.

      Jungkook remembered the way his own nose touched Jimin's and he refused to have another soul take away the feeling he longed to keep on his skin. So, he quickly grabbed Hoseok by the wrist and looked him in the eyes.

       "Oh, Jeon Jungkook!~ Calm down, I am human too, you can't harm me either. If you do, it's another easy ticket to see your creator..." Hoseok mentioned and made a smile towards the android once more. "In time, you will learn that what you've become is human but the worst kind of human there is. Imagine, what would Jimin do if he saw this side of you? Trust me Jungkook, envy is not a good look on you."

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