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*Next morning*

"Zayn.....what the fuck are you doi-Oi I'm talking to you- COME BACK, AYE!"  Zayn ignores Harry's yelling and runs upstairs and then knocks on louis' room, he hears a tiny


Harry runs behind him and glares at him "what are you doing here zayn!" Zayn rolled his eyes and holds up a box that he was holding in his hands, "I'm here to give this to lou."

"His name is louis and he won't take it-"

Just then the door opens and louis stood there with swollen eyes, red cheeks and stuffy nose he sniffs and looks down pulling on his sweater. "H-hi zayn"

"Oh hii! kitten, are you okay?" Zayn asks checking the temperature of his forehead and immediately his eyes widened "oh god! you got fever." louis moves back a little and smiles softly

"n-no I'm fine-"

"Yeah! he's fine, now leave zayn." harry says to zayn who glares at him, "will you leave us alone!"

Harry shakes his head stubbornly and crosses his hands, zayn huffs and goes inside louis' room, louis nervously goes to follow zayn but harry grabs his hand pulling him close he checks his cheek and forehead, "I'll bring you pill-"

"No sir, i said I'm fine!"

"Shut the fuck up and go lay in the bed." Harry snaps at him.

"Harry! Do you even know the meaning of being 'gentle' and 'kind'?" Zayn says to harry who rolls his eyes and goes to bring pills, louis goes sits on his bed as zayn opens the box he bought revealing tasty freshly baked cookies.

"Me and liam baked these together, he got a urgent work so he was not able to come here." zayn says and louis smells the cookies and immediately a big smile was across his pink lips "This smell so delicious zayn"

Louis takes one and eats it immediately moaning at the delicious taste, zayn smiles and pushes louis' fringes back saying "I'll teach you how to bake it! Harry loves cookies you know."

Louis' eyes shine immediately and he says "please teach me....i wanna bake some for him" he says shyly and zayn chuckles nodding "of course lou"

Harry cleared his throat and comes in holding a glass of water and some pills, "here take them" louis takes them and gulps down the water. Zayn rubs his back as he gulps the pill and harry hisses at him like a cat and moves his hand away from louis' back making zayn roll his eyes.

"Now a maid will come and serve you breakfast after that you'll eat this one pill and then go to sleep okay" harry instructs louis who nods smiling at him but harry didn't returned the smile and looks at zayn "so zayn i have some things to discuss about business let's go"

"But I'm not here for business I'm here for lo-HARRY" zayn yells as harry grabs his arm and drags him out of louis' room who giggles covering his mouth with his cute sweater paw hands "bye zee" zayn smiles at the nickname and waved at louis before he was dragged out by harry.


Louis yawns when he felt someone coming their hand through his hair, he purrs loudly and pushes his head up wanting more petting, he hears a chuckle and opens his eyes to find harry looking down at him he blushes and sits up.

"How are you feeling now?" Harry asks him and he smiles saying, "Better than before."

Harry nods and grabs the bowl from bedside him, keeping it in louis' lap he orders "eat!"

louis stretches first making his cute sweater ride up showing his cute tummy making harry coe at him but he controlled himself.

"Soup? You made it?" Louis asks with a bright smile on his face, harry gulps and shakes his head "no i don't cook for anyone but myself." he lied making louis' smile fall but he still like it that harry bought him warm soup in bed for him. He starts eating it while looking at the clock it was evening, that mean he slept throughout the afternoon.

Harry sits there petting louis' tail playing with it as louis flicks it from left to right and harry chuckles trying to hold it, louis giggles loudly as harry huffs and louis flicks his tail over Harry's nose making him smile.


Harry hums in response and pulls out his phone as it vibrates that means someone is calling. "Um...c-can we watch a movie together? I love lion king! Can we watch it?"

Harry picks up his phone there was a smile on his face, he doesn't even bother to answer louis and puts his phone to his ear already standing up to leave the room, "Hii my darling..."

Louis' smile fell all his excitement was vanished as harry leaves the room talking to his 'darling' is it the same kenny from yesterday?....wait-was her name kenny?

He pouts and outs the half eaten soul on the bedside and grabs the box of cookies and opens it and starts eating it. As he ate the last cookie he saw a small note on the end. He picks it up and reads it.

My number, feel free to call me whenever you want kitten! :)
- z

Louis squeals and runs downstairs in the living room and grabs the landline phone and calls zayn calling him over,

"I'll be there in a minute kitten liam will be joining us too!"

"Thank you Zayn, I'm waiting for you guys!"

"Yup bye, lou."

"Bye zee!"

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now