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"Louis William Tomlinson! How many times do I have to tell you, you're not allowed to study! You're a hybrid you are born to please your master to give him kittens and if you can't do a simple thing like that, then die! Fucking cats!"

With that, his Father slammed the door of his tiny room making the walls shake from the force of it.

Louis flinches and bites his lips to hold his sobs. He goes back as further as he could to the corner of his room that only has an old mattress and a small closet, books were scattered everywhere...his father caught him...again...

He wasn't supposed to study...but he loves books he loves studying, he wants to be independent, he wants to earn his own money and feed himself and his family but ... unfortunately god made him a hybrid...

A hybrid who is treated low class in this world, people treat them a lot worse than animals...

His father was a drug dealer, he's also involved in underground shit or whatever it is...but Louis still loves his Father even if he hits him and yells at him, he is his Father. He always respects him...

But his Father always treats him like an animal....maybe he is one.

Tears stream down his face as he whimpered and hide in his arms, his big brown fluffy tail wrapped around his leg securely, his ears flat on his head hiding in his chestnut soft hair...

Suddenly, his Mother storms into his room with her eyes wide and heavy breathing making Louis flinch back in fear but when he saw it is his Mother he sat up asking, "what happened mommy?"

"Oh Louis, you need to hide baby!"

Johannah, her beautiful mother, the only one who cares for him of course including his siblings, "why mommy?" He questioned.

"He's here lou, he can't know about you"


"Harry styles!"

And with that anonymous name his mother hide him in the tiny closet and leaves the room. Louis sits down in the tiny space there in his closet that was nearly empty as not many clothes were given to him. He holds his tail in his hand and signs mumbling to himself,

"Who is Harry Styles?"



Harry rolls his eyes and holds his loaded gun up, pulling the trigger and making Austin shake in fear. Harry's guards finally stop punching Austin's face when their boss ordered them.

"Any last wishes Tomlinson?" Harry stands up, his black long coat swinging by as he walks closer to Austin who was kneeling hands joining blood running down his nose and mouth but Harry doesn't give a shit.

"P-please Mr. styles y-you can take my son but please spare my life!" Austin begs Harry who chuckled darkly and points his gun at Austin's head saying

"And how is he useful to me?"

"H-he's a hybrid Mr style!"

"Mmm interesting" Harry finally removes the gun from Austin's head and goes back in his chair and sits making Austin sign in relief,

"Bring him here!" Harry orders Austin who stands on his shaky legs and runs upstairs and meets his wife in the hallway,

"Where's Louis?"

"He ran away! " Austin's jaw clenched and he slaps Johannah across her face making her face on the floor crying.

"Useless hybrids, good for nothing!" he glares at his wife, who was a hybrid too and then runs into Louis's room searching for the scared cat.

"Louis you can't fucking hide when you're shaking the whole closet from the fear cat!" Austin opens the door and Louis flinched as his father grabs his hand and starts dragging him downstairs, Louis yelled and sobbed trying to run away from his father but he couldn't fight him.

He's found his mother crying on the floor begging for his father to not do it and Louis was so confused, that Austin pulls Louis downstairs and throws him at Harry's feet who was watching the whole scene with an emotionless face.

"He's a cat hybrid, nineteen and a virgin... he's a carrier too!"

His father says like he's selling an object and telling the benefits it comes with.

Harry hums uncrossing his lanky legs he puts his boot tip under Louis' chin to make him look up at him to see his clear face.

Tears were falling from Louis' pretty blue eyes as he looks up to meet Harry's cold green eyes. Harry smirks and removes his foot and sits up straight spreading his legs wide he leans down to have a close look at Louis.

"What is your name, kitten?"

"L-Louis T-Tomlin-nson"

Harry smirks and then looks at Austin who was smirking satisfied that Harry finally found his son interesting, "why are you giving him up Austin?" Harry asks to lean back and cross his legs again.

Louis looks at his father with wide eyes, his kitten ears twisting and tail wrapped around his waist scared.

"Who will want a cat hybrid as their son? He's useless to me but for you....you can make many uses out of him, make him your slave, submission! Anything I don't care but please spare my life in return Mr. styles!"

Louis' ears twist when he hears his mother sob upstairs and his eyes started to fill up with tears again.

Harry hums and orders his guards "Take him to the car!" Louis sobs as two muscular and strong guards hold him up going outside,


But Austin acted as if he didn't hear Louis yell for help.

Johannah upstairs was hugging her daughters who were crying can't see their brother be taken away...she can't help it...after all, she was a useless hybrid too.


"Not a single word! Stand here Mr styles, will come here soon." with that the big guard left, Louis was in awe looking at the beautiful big mansion in which he was currently but the situation was not right.

He looks around the expensive room he was in, there was a huge wooden desk and a big chair, many bookshelves also a huge couch and a wall window that shows the gorgeous view of the beautiful lake outside, it was Harry's office!

Louis sniffs and wipes his nose with the sleeve of the sweater he was wearing, he wipes his sweaty hands on his leggings and flicks his tail from left to right his ear full-on alert for any kind of sound....and he hears it, footsteps!

He quickly wraps his tail around his leg and lowers his head looking at the ground, his kitten ear twisting at the sound as Harry opens the door and walks in slowly with large steps making Louis's heart jump out of his chest with each step.

Harry has now removed his large coat and was now in his white shirt and tight skinny jeans and brown boots. He signed when he sits on his chair and looks at the hybrid in front of him



"I don't like to repeat myself...  kitten."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now