New Potential Lead

Start from the beginning

"Watch your tone before speaking to me. Don't make me regret my choice." Yezun states simply.

Cong Bo blocks his half-conscious friend and begs "Please, GhostFace. Spear my friend. He didn't mean to offend you."

"What order did she give you?" GhostFace asks Cong Bo, the only conscious victim left, Zhujiu, after his coughing fits he falls unconscious.

"S-she wants us to capture Lord E-envoy's child." Cong Bo chokes out when he sees with every passing second, GhostFace's expression turning icy cold.

"Why?" GhostFace grits out.

"She wants more po-power!" Cong Bo whispers and wishes he never spoke up while his surroundings are being engulfed by shadows and before Cong Bo knows it, he is knock unconscious too.

"Ya Qing. Death awaits you" Yezun hisses out in the middle of his own power storm.

"Darling, A-Zun... calm down. Shen Wei is fine. You are fine. Nobody taking him away from you" Da Qing's soothing voice bring Yezun back from his inner turmoil to present. Just then he realizes that Da Qing is embracing him while Chu is straining Yezun's energies from destroying his classroom.

"Sorry. Let me." Yezun apologetically said before bringing his energies under his control.

"Now what?" Chu huffs out, glad that his classroom is still whole and standing.

"W-" before Yezun can answer.

"Wow~ Uncle Ye is scary and so cool!" Shen Wei excitedly interrupts, making Yezun shockingly turn toward door where Shen Wei is staring at him with star eyes and Zhao Yunlan rolling his eyes.

"S-shen Wei?" Yezun scarily whispers making Shen Wei confused.

"What happen Uncle Ye?" Shen Wei innocently asks.

"You are not scared of me?" Yezun honestly asks, he had been dreading this conversation with his beloved nephew.

"Why should I?" Now Shen Wei asks, confused.

"Because I'm cruel...and scary leader" He sadly replies while citing what others say about him.

"I don't think you are being mean or cruel, Uncle Ye. You are just protecting your family and I would be a monster if it means keeping people I care about safe and sound." Shen Wei explains.

"Are you sure??"

"Yes! Now, let's go eat before I really hate you, uncle! I'm starving. We are waiting for you~" Shen Wei whines while rubbing his flat stomach to make a point.

About 20 minutes before...

Dinner is finally ready to be serve but Yezun still hasn't return from interrogating their captives. Chu was going to bring him back but Da Qing senses that his husband's energy is going out of control so he leaves to help Yezun but they didn't expect Shen Wei to follow them too. Zhao Yunlan is trying to stop his Xiao Wei, but it is too late. Shen Wei already witnessed everything.


"Huh? ok-ay.." Yezun dumbfoundedly says, and very eager Shen Wei leads everyone back to dinner table, minus two unconscious tengu.


Dinner Time

"What will happen with two Tengu?" Guo asks while enjoying the meal.

"Kill them, obviously" Zhu Hong said while enjoying her meat.

"......!" Shen Wei.

"But they are willing to help us, do we have to kill them?" Little Devil asks.

"People who easily give in to save themselves are never to be trust." Zhao Yunlan ideally said while giving his portion of meats to Shen Wei who is happily distracted by eating it all.

"What do you say, leader?" Chu asks.

"We wait for now." Yezun seriously said making Chu, Da Qing and Zhao Yunlan surprise. They have been working under GhostFace for a long while and Yezun does not like to prolong issues if it can be solved shortly.

"For what?" Lin Jing asks, breaking the temporary shock silence from the three.

"I have a feeling that bigger bird will come for them." Yezun replies while enjoying his vegetable dish, his wife's specialty.

"Bigger bird? Their leader?" Sang Zhan asks while feeding Wang Zheng a sweet.

"Hmmm". Yezun absentmindedly hums.

"Why would Ya Qing come? Didn't Zhujiu just betray her?" Da Qing questions.

"Dear kitten, people say and do anything to get themselves out of trouble." Yezun sweetly reminds.

"There is more to the story isn't?" Little angel chirps.

"Perhaps..." Yezun admits.

"Leader, are you thinking that there are more people involve than what Zhujiu is letting on?" Zhao Yunlan asks.

"Zhao Yunlan, we already knew that many people are involved in this mess. What I'm more interested in is the mastermind behind all of this that seems to have popped out of nowhere yet knows more things than necessary."

"Do we have any information about this mysterious person?" Wang Zheng asks.

"Sadly no. It's frustrating." Da Qing answers.

"If only we get the leader, then maybe we can find out who is the person behind all this." Zhao Yunlan said.

"Exactly. That's why we are going to wait until they show up themselves." Yezun happily said.

"You are certain Ya Qing will show up?" Chu question.

"If not her, someone else will." Yezun shrugs nonchalantly.

"There is something I would like to tell everyone." Zhao Yunlan said gaining everyone's attention.

"Lately, I have this feeling that we are under someone's watch close by. Don't ask me who or what. Every time I sense it, I try to find the source, but I cannot able to find it. It's weird.... "

"Xiao Wei, do you feel it too?" Zhao Yunlan asks.

"Nope, Ah Lan. Little devil would of sense it too if I could sense it." Shen Wei explains.

"Little devil?"

"No, master." Little devil replies.

"It's because it's heaven being." Little angel said making others look at him.

"You sense it too?" Zhao Yunlan is surprised.

"Yes. It's a high ranking one too."

"Do you know who?" Yezun asks.

"I just said it's someone from high ranking. That means if they don't want to be found, they can hide their existence. Master Yunlan can sense it because he was once a high-ranking angel himself. and I can only sense it half of what Master Yunlan is sensing"

"Is there a way to enhance that skill, little troublemaker?" Yunlan asks.

"Yes, but you need a lot of patients for that, and you know I don't do patient~" Little angel chirps and Zhao Yunlan has to resist the urge to roll his eyes.

"Guess what, whether you do patient or not, you are going to help me enhance it." Zhao Yunlan retorts back with a smirk when he sees little angel can't find a reason to come back at him. 


A/N: Hello dearies~ How are you doing? I hope everything is well. It's late but an update is an update, right? 😉😉Please enjoy~~~ Don't hesitate to comment if you want to. Always welcome critique ❤❤✨

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