Chapter 20: You Don't Scare Me

Start from the beginning

      Without the personality censoring the words he said, Jimin now noticed how important these personalities meant to the creations of androids. However, the words Taehyung spoke managed to bother the young man. He hated the fact that it all made sense in his head and wanted to deny it much longer. The truth scared him and Jimin didn't want to go on believing that this comforting feeling; like a blanket just pulled out of a dryer and wrapped around his soul, was just his mind associating it with Yoongi all because he just couldn't move on. Jimin became frustrated about that and continued to dry his endless tears. Taehyung's words were true but for the first time, Jimin just wished it wasn't.

       As Jimin cried and continuously tried to dry his tears, he couldn't help but to break down crying into his hands. Once he cried a river after bottling up so many memories he suppressed when it came to Yoongi, Taehyung only stood there with his cold stare that sent shivers down Jimin's spine. Being watched in a moment he became so vulnerable only left him to become even more helpless.

       "Jimin, you shouldn't cry. You're- you're...y-you're-" unexpectedly, Taehyung began to glitch. The sound of his deep voice was assisted by another and that alone left Jimin to quickly look up in fear. The way this android glitched left Jimin fearing the worst. In fact, he has never seen another android go through something like this. Even if Taehyung mentioned that it was because some parts of his system were fried, Jimin couldn't help but to become afraid of what might happen to him after. Despite their argument, Jimin knew he wouldn't want to lose this android any other day.


       "I-I... I will... I will l-leave...I will leave now... now... n-now," Taehyung continued to glitch as his words often repeated at the same time. Jimin didn't know what else to do at that moment, his mind was at a crossroad where he couldn't tell if he was upset with Taehyung and the words he said or if he was worried about the android. Jimin was left confused yet those warm tears he shed never failed to run down his beautiful chocolate eyes.

      Jimin watched Taehyung leave instantly. The young man didn't say a word to the android, nor did he muster up the courage to do so. Jimin was still thinking back at the unfiltered words Taehyung spoke that managed to hit too close to home. As Jimin watched the android leave the room, Jimin had the urge to prove his words wrong.

     "I... I can be independent! I'll prove it, I'll prove that Yoongi still doesn't haunt me, he doesn't and I don't depend on anyone else!" Jimin said in his mind where the echo carried on until he was able to accept it. Jimin dried his tears, yet, he couldn't stop thinking about Yoongi and how true Taehyung's words were.

      He became upset that he wasn't able to move on and those feelings he abandoned were still there. However, he just knew he couldn't depend on Jungkook and he was determined to stop it from happening before he could ever combine the lovely feeling of warmth and the idea of attaching himself to the android in order to fill the void his past lover left empty.

       "Fuck it... I'm going out..." Jimin said to himself and wiped any remaining tears before getting up and becoming determined to be comfortable with being on his own for the first time in a while.

      At the same time, Taehyung stepped outside of the house and looked over to the place he knew Jungkook resided in. His glare deepened over the look of the house and as he continued to flinch from the constant glitches, the cold weather didn't seem to help and that alone pushed him to start having sparks appear on the corners of his light blue eyes.

       "Jungkook...." Taehyung said to himself and despite not having enough energy to make two trips, he pushed himself to approach the mysterious house that stood right by Jimin's home.

       Taehyung pushed himself through the cold weather and approached the door to the house he hoped to step in and finally ease the many wonders in his database about this mysterious robot. He just needed to know if Jungkook wasn't a danger to Jimin and in a way, he wanted to make sure the human was safe around a creation that was oddly closed off from the world. It was at that moment Taehyung knew that he had yet to find out much more about the android from Jimin.

      As he stood at the front door, Taehyung knocked and stood completely still with the exception of the constant sparks coming out of the sides of his eyes and now out of his ears. Taehyung flinched and continued to knock until he was greeted by Jung Hoseok at the door.

     "Oh... you again..." Hoseok mentioned and kept the door closed as much as he could and only revealed a fraction of his body and his face. "What do you want?"

      "I... I came... I came to s-see..." Taehyung spoke into broken sentences as his voice glitched consistently. This alone caused Hoseok to tilt his head and slowly open the door more to get a good look at the broken android. "I... I-"

       Without any other second being spent or any other word being said, Taehyung unexpectedly powered down after the final spark erupting from the side of his head where one of his chips remained. The second Taehyung powered down, Hoseok acted quickly as he stepped forward and captured the android into his arms so suddenly.

      "Fried system, hm?" Hoseok said to himself and continued to inspect the android by looking at his face and slowly pulling his eyelid up to reveal his glossy black eye balls that only carried the reflection of the human that carried him. "I can fix that..."

       Hoseok took a quick look around the streets in hopes that no one saw this interaction and quickly pulled the android into his home. "Luckily for you, I know how to fix you... as long as Jungkook is still charging, we should be fine... that jealous boy... won't know a thing."

      The living man picked Taehyung up into his arms; carrying him in a bridal style as he took him down a few rooms where an isolated door remained at the very end of the hall. Hoseok then approached the door and lowered Taehyung a bit just so he could unlock and open this door to the secluded room.

      "I will make you feel a lot better... save you a trip from going to that lousy department..." Hoseok continued to say to himself as he stepped in and switched on the lights within the room.

      The room consisted of a surgery table standing at the center with many cables and computers with dual monitors set up to the side of the room. Hoseok quickly set the android down onto the cushioned table and began to strip him of his shirt in order to access most of his wires. Most information resided in his head while most of the wires hid on the back of the android like the back of a functional doll where the compartment with batteries resided.

       "You are very different from Jungkook... I almost forgot that you other Android's have most of your wires installed inside your back."

     Hoseok kept himself company as he continued to talk to himself. He left the android over the table shirtless as he carefully turned him over to lay on his chest. In that moment, Hoseok's eyes locked onto the brand initials over the center of Taehyung's back which left Hoseok to freeze up at the sight of it.

Version 2
Extrovert type #V-40024

    "It's just the creator's initials and the Android's information..." Hoseok assured himself to erase all the bad memories that came into his mind the second he looked at the initials of the man who created the androids in the first place. "You... don't scare me... Kim Seokjin... not anymore..."

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