Chapter Seventy-Four: Magical Mystic Soul Twins

Start from the beginning

But having two more traditional purebloods in their group did also help them gain more information on how deep the corruption of magical Britain goes. Fred, George, Charlie, and Percy were all pureblood, but they never knew much about politics nor did they even want to pay attention to anyone at the ministry since they knew how badly their father was treated because of how he was basically obsessed with muggles. Neville and Cedric both knew more than the Weasleys, but neither of them were experts.

Blaise and Daphne both knew a lot more about the political side of things. Blaise has even said that politics were like lifeblood to a Slytherin. And he was right since Daphne would also say how most of the most talented politicians were all mostly former Slytherins. That did come with how they were from the house that was all about being ambitious and cunning. 

"I can hardly believe that any magical government was allowed to get as corrupt as this one," T'challa says.

"I have always heard tales from the British quidditch teams from when we would all chat after games, but I did not think it could possibly be this bad in reality," Viktor added. "I have never hated being wrong more than now."

"I know that there will always be bad people around, but it's like there is hardly anyone good left in this country," Hestia said.

"Out of all the adults that we have met, I can count on one hand how many good ones we've met," Harry shook his head. "And I am not afraid to cut off fingers."

"Since my father is originally from Africa, does he still count," T'challa asked him.

"He was not born British, so he does not count as a trustworthy British person," Melody answered. "He counts as a trustworthy African person, but Africa's magical community of generally a great place to live."

"I have heard that their wand-user school in Uganda is an incredible school," Abby says. "Incredible by wand-user standards anyway, no offense to those in the room."

"None taken," said Fred, George, Neville, Cedric, Blaise, and Daphne.

"The school really does have quite the reputation," Atem agreed with Abby. "I know that being an animagus is said to be a very hard wand-user skill. But yet the Uganda school actually has a class for that for teenagers. Fourteen and fifteen years olds down there have been taught to change into their animal forms for a long time."

"Something that magical Britain probably ignores because that would make them and Hogwarts look weak by comparison," Hawk pinched the bridge of his nose.

"It's like they are all living in their own bubble of delusions and only a few are able to not be a part of that," Harry said. "Every magical community in the world knows what a joke this country's magical community is."

"Dumbledore is the Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards," Neville remembers. "He would definitely know how far behind this country is."

"He has told us that he has tried to help the school and the students," Melody wipes some of her hair out of her face. "But the ministry is like the biggest brick wall against change ever."

"They always have been just so stuck in their ways," Cedric says. "The Diggory family has always been equally light and gray in terms of politics, but we know how it is never a good thing to not change anything."

"Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it," Blaise agreed with Cedric. "The broken system that allowed the rise of Grindelwald stayed the same after he was defeated, which once again allowed for a dark lord to take control."

"And with how much that same system is against those like muggleborns, how much do you guys want to bet that one day the muggleborns will rebel in this country," Daphne crossed her arms.

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