Chapter 14: The One That Got Away

Start from the beginning

Quickly but done carefully, Jungkook ran his hand down Jimin's arm and raised the hand that carried the knife; completely stopping him from making the last few cuts that could have resulted in him losing a finger due to his lack of attention in cutting the vegetable.

"Jimin, didn't your mother ever teach you to pay attention?" Jungkook asked and slowly ran his fingers along Jimin's hand until he was able to loosen Jimin's grip on the knife. As he ran his hand underneath the human's wrist, he looked Jimin in his eyes like he always would and managed to keep him trapped in his gaze until he was finally holding the knife. Jimin just couldn't pinpoint the second Jungkook's hands slid the handle of the knife away from him. "You could have cut yourself~"

"Sorry... I was just thinking about what to say," Jimin answered and felt as if he couldn't hide anything around Jungkook. The robot was too intelligent to the point where Jimin just believed Jungkook could practically read his mind. "Ah, I don't mean to make things awkward I just-"

"It's fine, if you're a little nervous, I'll go first!" Jungkook mentioned and watched the human let out a relieved exhale, that little action was enough for Jungkook to replay it on his mind and store it for later so he could mimic it just like the way he mimicked Jimin's breathing while he slept. "I don't want you to tell anyone about this, please promise me you can keep this as a secret..."

"I promise..." Jimin answered, unknowingly standing so close to Jungkook while the robot still kept the handle of the knife in his hand.

"It can't be just any promise, it has to be the type you are willing to take to your grave..." Jungkook continued and leaned in closer as his voice fell into a whisper. His hand that carried the knife, slowly raised as he dragged the tip along the cutting board. "You can't mention this to anyone, not even your friends... Can you promise me that, Park Jimin?"

"Of course.... I promise," Jimin replied. Certainly, Jimin didn't find a reason why he would expose Jungkook's secrets, he never even believed he was the type of person to break a promise, so Jimin had no issues with this at all. However, he couldn't help but to feel a little concerned. What if there was something truly wrong with Jungkook and the only way to find out was to tell another? Jimin couldn't assure himself what to do if he heard the truth, but he knew for sure that whatever it was, he couldn't tell another living thing or creation. This was a moment of trusting and Jimin understood that completely.

"That's good to hear...." Jungkook replied into a soft whisper as he slowly slid the knife down and set it onto the cutting board. At that moment, Jungkook took a second to look at Jimin again before making a soft smile to his face and resting his body against the counter they stood before. Standing closely to Jimin and making sure no space existed between the two. "I'm... not like the rest, Jimin... I bet you can tell with my eyes that no other robots display their emotions in their eyes like me..."

"So that's why your eyes change colors..." Jimin added on and watched Jungkook nod his head. "What... do they mean?"

"Well, blue is my natural and calm state; it could also represent glee, red is for anger or frustration, grey is for fear, a dark blue is for sorrow, green is for mischief, and a hot pink hue–a little darker than the vibrant shade– is for when I'm feeling romantic," Jungkook continued in those rasp growls into his warming whispers that slowly began to be the cause of what comforted Jimin despite those eyes giving him something to run away from.

"Do you display those colors all the time?"

"At times... I can hide them, so I was able to do so until now, it takes a lot of my energy so I'm a little glad to tell this to you first. Now I wouldn't have to hide it, right?~ you'll keep my secret..."

"Of course I will," Jimin replied and didn't seem to notice how close Jungkook was standing. However, he didn't seem to have a problem with it.

In a way, he enjoyed standing close to the creation when they spoke about personal things. This slowly began to ease Jimin's fears about opening up to the android and allowed him to let down his guard the second he watched Jungkook set him down right before him. Now, it was just the two, standing seconds away from each other and saying their personal secrets in soft whispers as if anyone else would try their hardest to listen in on their conversation. This was enough to provide the security Jimin needed to speak up about anything as long as Jungkook did the same.

"Is that the only thing that makes you different from the rest? Why are you like this and others aren't?"

"Oh... there's more... but I would continue after your share. Also, that's a good question, I would like to know the answer to that too. Hoseok doesn't have any of my answers... of course, I don't blame him, he didn't create me," Jungkook lied and broke his gaze away from Jimin the second he did so. He just wanted to make sure that if anything, Hoseok wouldn't be included if Jimin was to expose anything. Jungkook wanted to trust Jimin completely, but of course, refrained from giving him too much of his truth just to be safe.

"You're right, I shouldn't try to get so much out of you if we're sharing one secret at a time," Jimin replied and let out a soft giggle; a warming and innocent giggle that left a smile on Jungkook's face the second he heard it. "Why are you smiling like that?"

"Your giggles, it's adorable... you're like a child," Jungkook said into the most caring whisper that left the apples of Jimin's pale cheeks drowning in red. Once Jungkook said those words, he quickly changed the conversation as Jimin was still thinking back at his comment. He couldn't remember the last time he was told how adorable his smile was. "So, tell me something..."

"What do you want to hear?"

"Tell me..." Jungkook took a second to look down and see Jimin's phone facing down on the counter when he finally recalled the lockscreen he was curious about before. In that brief second he took to think, Jimin already prepared his next question once he picked up the sense that Jungkook also took pauses between his words, signifying that he can think just like a human and that only deepened Jimin's interest in Jungkook's secrets even more. "Tell me about... the beach. Is it something significant to you?"

"The beach... the one in my lockscreen," Jimin answered as the smile and blush from his face wiped off completely and all he did was stand there to reminisce in order to tell what he could without giving Jungkook too much to handle. "Then, I'll have to tell you about him..."

"I'm listening," Jungkook answered. In Jimin's head, he always believed robots couldn't listen but just gloss over every issues by hearing, but somehow, Jimin just knew that wasn't the case with Jungkook, Jimin completely began to believe that Jungkook was not like any other robot and that he was truly capable of understanding him.

"His name was Min Yoongi, and he was the one that got away..."

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