chapter 111- nightmarish pt 6

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Chapter 111

"They're taking her off life support today." I sucked in a breath. We've been at the hospital for about a week. We've gone home to see Fiona, and brought her and Everest to the hospital, but it's been extremely stressful. Not to mention emotionally draining. Nyra's parents and brother were here. My mom and brother were here, and so was Anvi's family. Meredith was getting taken off life support today, and Kaio still hadn't said a word to Noah or to me.

"Everest. Everest Williamson, look at me." Everest looks at me with tears in his eyes. He doesn't want to lose his mom.

"Do not let this break you. Your mother loved you and your brother so damn much. She's suffering right now, though. She's in pain. As much as I hate to say it, she's not going to get better, but you will recover. I promise you. I-I can't give you advice on how toget through this because I can't imagine how terrible it must feel, but know that you are surrounded by people who love and support you. Your mom is always going to be with you, no matter what." Everest doesn't say anything, just hugging me, as I rub his back, soothing him. His thin frame shakes as he cries.

Noah walks into the room with Fiona, carrying bags full of food for lunch. His eyes are red and swollen. I opn my free arm to the both of them, and they immediately set down the food, coming towards me. His hands slip around my waist, as his breath tickles my neck. Fiona hugs all of us together, keeping us all from falling. But we do anyway when Everest bumps into the chair, causing us to chuckle. Noah walks to his mom's bedside with Everest, and they hold her hand tightly. Fiona and I step out of the room, leaving them some room to enjoy their last few moments together.

"I feel so bad for them." Fiona says, her head leaning against my shoulder.

"Me too, Fiona," I reply, squeezing her shoulder. My heart wrenched seeing them both in pain. Nyra was in the hospital on top of all this, and everything's just one huge mess.

Noah's POV:

I was up most of the night in anguish and hurt. I couldn't stop crying. Fiona and Everest had gotten their respective beds in my mother's room. Shanaya had sat up the entire night holding me, she whispered to me, telling me how much she loved me, and how I was stronger than this. I don't feel fucking stronger than this. I'm barely getting through this. I can't bear to see my mother like this. It hurts. It still fucking hurts. I didn't even bother to pick her last call because it was for our damn wedding. I- I'm such a fucking asshole.

The sound of a window opening broke me out of my thoughts, as I was handed the bag of lunch, and quickly paid, driving out of the parking lot.

"Dad, are you okay?" Fiona asks, putting her hand on my arm.

"No. I"m not fucking okay." My voice comes out more broken than I intend for it. Istop the car on the side of the road, my vision blurring with tears. Fiona reaches over the seat, hugging me. SHe doesn't say anything.

"I love you, dad."

"I love you too, Fiona." I tell her wiping my face. She unwraps her arms from around me.

"Let's go see mom and Everest, okay?" I give her a sad smile, starting the engine back up once more, and going to the dreaded hospital. As we walked into the room, Everest was crying into Shanaya and she held him tightly. I felt my chest tighten as I stared at my mother lying motionless on the bed.

Shanaya's eyes meet mine, and she extends her arm, silently asking me to come. I practically drop the food, running to her, burying my face in her neck. Fiona wrapped her arms around all of us, trying to steady us, but Everest bumps into the chair, falling backwards. I let out a watery chuckle, as he gives me a small smile, standing up, steadying himself.

"Why don't you two spend some time with your mother? I'll be back soon." SHanaya smiles, gives me a light kiss, hugging Everest and disappearing with Fiona. I sit by my mother's side with Everest.

"Noah, what am I gonna do when she's gone? I don't have anyone." He whispers, clutching onto our mother's cold hands.

"Stay with me. You'll live with me." I tell him. Everest looks at me for a brief moment before crying into my shoulder.

"Everest, we'll be okay. We will be okay." I whisper to him, as he continues to sob.

"You know what Naya keeps telling me?" He doesn't say anything, but I know that he's listening.

"She says that mom's never gonna leave us. And look aroun at how many people care about us, Ev. We have a family."

"No, You have a family. You're getting married and leaving." He says, leaning away from me. He thought I was going to leave him?

"Everest. Everest,listen. I am not leaving you. I want you to come and live with me. You'e a part of our family. Shanaya loves you, Fiona loves you, Kaio and Liam love you, what more do you need? You've got a family for yourself right here."

"But i don't have mom." That sentence breaks me.

"Mom's never really going to be gone. Just think of it like you just won't see her anymore. She'll be there, but you just won't be able to see her."

He stays silent, but I don't know what else to say to him. I can't. Shanaya's so much better at this whole feeling emotions shit. Damn it. I don't call her though. 

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