chapter 97- long lost family

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Chapter 97

"Mumma, I did NOT SHIT MY PANTS! This idiot spilled it in the car! I'm not even wearing those pants anymore!" Noah, and Fiona are rolling with laughter, as my mom snickers. We're all sitting in the living room attempting to watch some cheesy bollywood movie, and drinking hot chocolate.

"Whatever you've got to tell yourself, kanna." I glare at her, while Fiona snorts.

"Moving on," I start, while my mom rolls her eyes.

"How have you been, mumma? I missed you."

"I missed you too, Shanaya. I've been good, I was waiting for you all to come. I was very excited to meet your daughter, and your boyfriend." She and Noah exchange a look as she says boyfriend.

"You're so awesome. I'm so glad that you're my grandma." Fiona says, her head in my mom's lap, as my mom gently comes through her hair with her fingers.

"I'm so excited to have a grandchild! First grandchild! That's very special." Fiona smiles. I smile watching them both, leaning back against Noah. He kisses the top of my head.

"Oh, Shanaya, I forgot to tell you, I have a surprise for you coming, Wait, one second. Let me check." My mom opens her phone.

"Oh, in about twenty minutes."

"What is it?"

"More like, someone." Huh? Who was coming?

"Mumma, who's coming?"

"It's a surprise-" The doorbell rings.

"Go open the door, Shanaya." My mom says. I got up from the couch.

Noah and Fiona smile. I go to the door, and unlock it. I open the door, and start sobbing.

Oh my god. Oh my god. It's my cousins. I haven't been able to speak to them in so many years, and-and they're here. Oh my god. Oh my god. When my parents got divorced, their parents cut off all contact with us, I haven't seen them in years. They-oh my god. I can't believe they're here. No way. My chest explodes with a bittersweet feeling. I clutch them both tightly, never wanting to let them go.

"No fucking way." I whisper. My cousins Anya and Raj are crying too. I fall onto the floor, crying with my head in my hands. They both hug me. I can't believe they're here. I haven't seen them since I was fifteen. We were all so close. Oh my God. I-I can't believe it.

"You both g-got so big. Anya, raj, look at you, all grown-grown up now." I sob into his shoulder, and Anya hugs me from behind.

"Shanaya, I missed you so much." Anya says.

"Hi Shanaya." Raj says tearfully.

"Oh my god, I can't believe this. You-You both are actually here. I-I-"

"We missed you every single day. We-We-" I wipe my face. My mom stands in the corner with tears in her eyes.

"How-How are you here right now?" I ask them, standing up, and holding their hands in my own.

"Raj, I know you were a lot younger-"

"I remember you Shanaya. Don't worry. I wouldn't forget you." His cheek pops a dimple as he smiles at me.

"Anya, you- you're so beautiful. I missed you." She hugs me tightly.

"I missed you too, Shanaya. You're my big sister. I-I didn't even know what happened. No one told us, and when we found out, it was too late."


"Shanaya, I'm really here now."

"You're so tall now. Remember, last time I saw you, you barely came up to my shoulder. Now, look at you. In college now, right?" He nods again.

"I go to Harvard now. I'm going to be a doctor." My hand slaps across my mouth, and I choke back a sob. I'm so proud of him.

"Yeah, we live in Boston now." Anya adds, smiling sweetly at me.

"What do you do now, Anya?"

"I'm a fashion designer. I actually have my own brand. Whatever you're wearing, it-" I check the label of my shirt.

"This, this is you? I-I'm so incredibly proud of you guys. I-I can't even begin to tell you. You guys are amazing. I thought- I thought maybe you had forgotten about me and Nikul, and-and you didn't call and-and I know that you couldn't because-"

"We didn't have a clue. When we came here, we met your mom, and- and she told us." I look at her. I stand up, and run to my mom, crushing her in a hug.

"Holy crap. Mom. Thank you so much."

"Of course, nanna. Why do you think I kept asking you to come home?" I chuckle into her shoulder. Noah's hugging Fiona.

"Oh, shit. I-I completely forgot to introduce you guys. Um, this-this is my boyfriend Noah, and-and this is your niece, Fiona."

"Hi Fiona!"

"Hi Fiona." My cousins greet her.

"Hi, Noah! I'm Anya, and this is Raj," She introduces.

"It's nice to meet you both. I'm so glad you guys got to meet." Noah says, smiling.

"Hi." Fiona says, the corners of her mouth lifted up.

"Come on, let's go the living room. Are you guys hungry? Did you eat something before-"

"I'm okay, Naya. We both ate before coming here." Raj tells me, pushing up the glasses on his nose, and flicking his messy hair. I smile looking at their face.

I can't believe how much they've both grown up. I know it's been twelve years, but, it's-it's still crazy to see them.

My mom takes them down to the living room, while Noah stays behind with me. Fiona follows them, wanting to talk to them.

"I-I can't believe it." I breathe.

"You deserve this and so much more, Naya." Noah whispers to me. I turn facing him, and hug him, my face buried in his shoulder. He hugs me back, my feet lifting slightly off the ground.

"I can't even tell you how happy I am right now, Noah."

"I know, love. I know." 

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