chapter 80- sick day

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Chapter 80

"FIona! Get up! We have to go to school!" I shake her awake, but when I turn her around, her forehead is burning up.

"Fiona? Sweetheart, are you okay?" She coughs a few times.

"Hi mom. I'll go get ready," She rasps.

"Hell no. You're staying home today."

"But my math project-"

"I'm emailing your teacher, and you can turn it in when you get better." I tell her, as she bursts into a fit of coughing.

"Do you feel good enough to go to the bathroom?" She slowly sits up, and I help her walk to the bathroom.

"I feel dizzy."

"I know, Just brush your teeth, and you can stay in bed today. I'll take off from work. Okay? I'll hop by the drugstore to pick up some cough drops for you. Sounds good?" She nods her head weakly, and slowly finishes brushing her teeth. I walk her to the bed, and make her lie down.

"I'm going to make you some hot tea, and bring it up for you, okay?"

"Okay. Can I actually be downstairs today?"

"Yeah, of course. Just-"

"Fiona? What happened to you, are you okay?" Noah rushes in, slipping on his suit, and kneeling beside her.

"Yeah, I'm just a little sick." She coughs again, and sniffles. I hand her a tissue.

"Love, do I need to stay home, today-'

"I'm going to take off today. If you want you can stay with us." I give him a hopeful smile.

"Shit, I wish I could, but I have a huge meeting today. I'll be home as soon as I can, okay?" He kisses her forehead, and pecks me on the lips.

"Bye, Noah!"

"Bye dad!"

"I love you guys!"

"We love you too!"

"Alright." I say after a second.

"How are we going to get you downstairs." I say out loud. I turn around.

"Alright, climb on." I gesture to her, and she slowly climbs onto my back. I stumble for a second but then find my footing, and slowly go down the stairs, eventually dumping her on the couch. She sees all the blankets on the couch.

"Wait, did you sleep here last night?"

"Yep!" I tell her, hoping my face doesn't betray me.


"Oh- um, let me go get that tea for you." I rush into the kitchen after tucking her into the blankets. I make her a herbal tea, and add in some honey, to soothe her throat, and hand it to her. She takes a sip.

"Thank you- ow! That's kind of hurting my throat!"

"It's soothing your throat. Drink up." I tell her, sliding next to her on the couch. Noah walks in, throwing off his suit jacket.

"I thought you had to go to work today?" I ask.

"The meeting got canceled!" He unbuttoned his shirt a few buttons, and slips off his tie, climbing in next to Fiona, on the other side. Her head rests on his shoulder. It's so cute. I snapped a quick picture of them.


"What? You guys looked so cute!" I grin at them, and Noah kisses my forehead.

"All right, guess we're all staying home today. I'm just going to grab a bowl of cereal. Noah, you want any?" I ask to get up.

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