chapter 21- fiona

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Chapter 21

I didn't plan on speaking to Noah for a long time. He made his choice. Now I have mine. I have about a dozen text messages on my phone from last night. I chose to ignore him. My phone buzzed again. I swear if he texts me again- This new message was from Fiona.

Maybe Fiona: Hi Ms. Anand, it's Fiona. Is it okay if I meet you today?

I smiled, and added her number to my contacts

Me: Of course Fiona! Do you want me to pick you up? What time?

Fiona: could we actually meet in about 20 mins?

Me: Of course, I'll drive over soon.

I wonder what it was. I quickly showered, putting on jeans, a simple top, and my converse, and heading out to meet her. I picked her up and saw her face covered in a hood.

"Fiona, you can take off your hood, it's just me." I tell her. She takes it off, and I see a red handprint on the side of her face.

"Fiona what happened? Are you okay? Can I help you?"

"My dad came home for the first time in almost a month. I got up an hour late, and didn't make breakfast." Oh my God. This poor girl.

"Fiona, you can come and stay with me if you like. As long as you need to. I'm going to the police station tomorrow. And please, Don't call me Ms. Anand. Outside of school, Shanaya, or Naya is fine. Okay?"


"Do you want me to come in and get your clothes with you?" I asked her.

"Yes, please," She says in a small voice. I come outside the car and see her sweatshirt covering her thin frame. I give her a hug. Her arms slowly wrap around mine, and she cries, her tears soaking my jacket.

"After this, I'm taking you to the mall, we are going to get you some clothes, young lady." i tell her, and a small grin appears on her face. I go inside, and the apartment is terrible. Beer cans and wine bottles just lying around on the floor. The whole apartment stinks. I walk with her to her room, which is neat, and has but a few objects. She shoves her clothes in a duffle bag. And we walk out together.

She gets inside my car and I take her to my house. I take her inside.

"Wow, your house is so nice!" Fiona exclaims looking around.

"And you have Christmas Decorations!" She walks around the place.

"Fiona, come on! I'll show you your room!" I excitedly pull her in the direction.

"Its not much, but I have some sheets yo can put on, and Ill take you to the store today and we can buy some things for it. Deal?"

She grins and hugs me again. I give her a few minutes to settle in. I go to the living room, and I hear a knock on the door.

Noah stands in front of me. Oh hell no. my face hardens and I almost shut the door in his face and he sticks his hand between.

"Go away Noah. You made your choice on New Years. I don't want to see you."

"Shanaya please, I-"

"Get out of my house, before I call the police." He gives me a longing look and drives away. I see Fiona behind me.

"Who was that?" She asks.

"No one important, just someone I used to be friends with." I told her. I pull her with me to the kitchen, and got out the first aid kit.

"This might sting a little, but I'm going to disinfect the cuts on your face, and I'm going to apply this de-bruising cream, is that okay?" She nodded her head, and winced as I dabbed the creams and solutions on her face, but she relaxed after a while. I gave her some spare clothes of mine instead of the worn sweatshirt she was wearing and headed to the mall.

I can't believe people can be so cruel and abusive. I promise to add more of her backstory later on. I know this chapter was kind of wonky, but I promise she'll be an important character later on. Thanks so much for reading!



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