chapter 106- nightmarish pt 1.

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Chapter 106

"Mom, I love you. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls. I'm sorry that I've been-" Tears fall down his face. We sat in the ICU, while an oxygen mask was placed over her face, and she was unconscious.

"Naya, what- what do I do?" He sobs quietly, turning to me.

"You- you just hope for the best, Noah." I tell him. I don't know whether he wanted space, so I stood next to him, our fingers just brushing.

"Naya, can- can you-" He stops talking but I go next to him, and give him the tightest hug I can possibly give him.

"Oh, God, Naya. She's- I don't know if she'll e-ever wake up." My mom sits on the other side of the bed, clasping Meredith's hand in hers, and whispering under her breath. Noah eventually puts his arms around me, hugging me tightly. He continues to cry.

"Let it all out, Noah. I'm here now." I whisper into his ear, and he clutches me tightly.

"Shanaya, I don't know what to-to do. Ev and her are all I have left."

"Shanaya, I'll give you both some space. I'll see you later." My mom hugs us both, and disappears.

I look up, my hands brushing across his cheeks, wiping away his tears.

"Noah I-" My voice gets caught in my throat when I see the immense sadness in his vibrant green eyes.

"I can't promise she'll be okay. But know that blood doesn't make you family. You've got Ev, but you also have Liam and Kaio, and hopefully me. My mom cares a lot about you too. Surround yourself with people who love you and lean on them. Because that's what they're here for." He kisses me lustfully, and I push him away.

"Noah, kissing me will not numb the pain. As much as I-"

"But we love each other."
"I know we do. But you also have to face this. I can't take away the pain for this. I really can't. I understand what it feels like. I get it. But you can't avoid this. You will reget it. I'm so sorry, my love." He pulls away, running his hands through his hair, and pulling at it tightly.

"FUCK!" He screams, and stumbles back onto the chair, sobbing into his hands. My heart wrenches as I see him.

"N-Naya, what- why's everything going wrong?" He asks brokenly, and I feel tears pricking at my eyes watching him and Meredith. I run to the chair, and he holds my body, his breaths uneven, and salty tears falling on my stomach. I hug his head, and gently comb my fingers through his hair.

"It's alright Noah. It's going to be okay." I whisper repeatedly, hoping to provide some comfort.

"I c-can't stop this feeling, Naya. How? How does it go away?"

"Well, it's really hard at the beginning." Tears fall from my eyes.

"It's really hard. And it doesn't go away easily. It can feel overwhelming, and scary. But there's also hope. Hope for things to get better. Your mom will wake up, and she'll tell you how much she loves you. She-She'll tell you how fantastic of a big brother you are. She'll s-say that she'll be there to see us get married. She'll be there wherever you are." A sinking feeling remains in my chest. I hope that she's going to be okay. I really do. Because I don't know how I could possibly fix him after that.

Noah had cried himself to sleep in my lap. I'd texted Kaio and Liam about what happened, and they had picked up Fiona and Everest from school, and were sitting in our room with us.

"Is-Is he okay?" Kaio asks, in a strained voice. I stroke his hair, causing him to hold me even tighter, his breath hot against my stomach.

"I-i don't know."

"Kaio, where's Nyra?" I ask in a soft voice.

"I-I don't know." he looks down guilitily.

"Did something happen?"

"She thinks I don't trust her."

"Uh, I'm going to get some coffee and hot chocolate. Be right back." Liam gets up, giving us some space.

"What- If you-"

"It's fine. There's just some things- some things that happened in the past, that are difficult for me to talk about. We haven't spoken in a few days. She's told me about her ex-boyfriend, and what's happened, but I-I just don't-"

"Kaio, I'm sure that Nyra feels equally as bad. She- She hates liars. She wants you to be honest and upfront with her. If you need time, tell her you need time, and she'll understand. You both need to communicate. Don't stop talking to her."

"Damn it. Everything seems to be going downhill." He puts his head in his hands.

"I'd come over there, and give you a hug, but my fiance is currently asleep in my lap. Kaio smiles at us.

"He really loves you, you know." Kaio tells me.

"I know. I'm very lucky." I smile at the sleeping Noah in my arms, watching as his face changes into several different emotions. His forehead starts to be come shiny, and he moves around in his sleep. I shake him gently.

"Noah. Noah. Noah, wake up. It's a dream. Noah, It's me, Naya. Wake up." He shoots up, looking around.

"Naya? Naya. Oh god-" He kisses me, as if it's urgent, and the last thing he'll ever receive. I kiss him back, and we pull away.

"Noah, what happened?"

"Yoou- Remember I told you-"

"Oh fuck. Noah." I hug him, and he cries into me.

"Naya, I-I don't i don't know what i'd do without you." He says.

"I'm here. Always, Noah." He smiles sadly.

"Kaio, what are you doing here?"

"Shanaya called us."

"Liam's here too?"

"Yeah. They're your best friends, Noah. Remember what I told you earlier?" He nods.

"They're here for you. Blood does not always make you family." I whisper to him, and he nods, starting to talk to Kaio.

Liam suddenly barges into the room.

"Nyra's in the ICU."

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