chapter 28- restocking the pantry

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Chapter 28

I drag Noah into my car and he sits down next to me.
"Nice car," He says.
"Thanks! I saved up for it with my own money. I've had it since high school. It's gotten me a lot of places." I tell him, smiling at the fond memories.

"Really? That's wonderful. Where did you go?" He asks.

I pull out of the driveway and start driving to the grocery store.

"The summer before I went to college, I took a road trip with Nyra and Anvi. We drove all the way to California and back, and visited the national parks on the way. And we went to LA. And met Olivia Rodrigo. Best summer of my life." I tell him earnestly, thinking back fondly.

"That sounds wonderful. I wish I had met Liam and Kaio in high school. I was such a dick."

"You still kind of are-"

"I know, but I was like ten times worse back then. My parents were putting so much pressure on me to get the best in everything. Everything in my life was controlled by them. I didn't have a say in anything. They forced me into activities I didn't want. I used to sleep around. It was so much worse. They even tried forcing me into going into a college I didn't want. So I picked my own and I decided to start from the bottom once I got there. That's when I started my company, and met Kaio and Liam. They helped me start my own business, and they helped me separate completely from my parents. I haven't seen them in years."

I felt so bad for him. Not pity, but sympathy.

"I'm so sorry Noah. I had no idea."
"Please don't pity me."

"I'm not pitying you. I feel sympathy for you. Look, if you ever need to vent, I'm here okay?" I look at him and rub his arm, trying to give him some comfort. I open up to him a little, wanting to share something with him as he did with me.

"My parents got divorced my freshman and sophomore year of high school. I get it. Home wasn't always the best place to be. My dad got really angry, and he used to go out every night and drink. I hate alcohol so much. It ruins lives. He was so hostile to me, and took out all his anger on me. It was terrible. I understand what it's like to have a tough home life."

"Shanaya, I'm so sorry. I-I had no idea. That night I showed up drunk... were you okay?"

I hesitated. I wondered if I should tell him.

"I-i- I was a little scared, but I know you're not my dad, and you barely made it to the couch before passing out. I was scared, but I got over it. I know you're not the same person as him."

"If you don;t mind me asking, what did he do?"

"I-I don't want to talk about it, Noah. I'm sorry. Maybe I'll tell you another time, okay?" I tell him. He places his hand on top of mine that is resting on his arms and interlocks his fingers with mine. I smile at the gesture.

I pull up to the grocery store. Noah interlocks his fingers with mine as we walk in. I grab a shopping and let go of his hand. He looks at me sweetly, and my heart swells up. He then picks me up and puts me in the cart.

"NOAH! What are you doing?" I squeal.

"Grocery shopping," he deadpans. I guided him to the aisle with the sweets.

"OOhhh Noah let's get some oreos! The double stuffed ones. Oooh, and we should get the golden ones. And Chips Ahoy! Their cookies are so good. Oh my gosh! They have the marshmallow ducks! Let's get those! Do you like sour patch! Let's get sour patch! Oohh-"

He laughs and smiles at me.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"It's a free country. I'm allowed to look at beautiful girls." My cheeks flush. I climb put of the cart. I dump boxes of chips ahoy, oreos, chips, chocolates and all sorts of snacks.

"Bugaboo, who's going to eat all of that?"

"You and me, dummy. Who else?"

"That's an awful lot of snacks."

"Your pantry is terribly sad. Time to stock up." I tell him, grinning.

We walk up to the cashier and she starts scanning things.

"Wow, that's a lot of snacks, are you going on a road trip?" the cashier asks.

"No, his pantry is just awfully sad, and he needs actual food." I told her. She gives us a smile.

"You both are such a cute couple," I flush again.

"Oh no, we're not-"

"Thank you ma'am." Noah says. I look at him with wide eyes. What? We're not a couple. She scans our items and I pull out my wallet, but Noah is swiping his card.

"Dude, that's a lot of snacks! I could have payed for them! I just dumped them in the cart!" I looked up at him.

"I know. But I beat you!" he jokes. And then he booped me on the nose.

"It's all right, shortie." I pinch his side.

"Call me shortie one more time, I dare you." I smirk proudly at him. He's about to reply when the machine beeps. I'm about to take the bags but he snatches those too.

"NoAh, Let me carry something! You payed for everything! Let me help!" I insist. We move out of the cashier area. He picks me up, dumps me in the cart, and dumps all the bags on top of me.


"Seriously." I make a noise and he pushes the cart all the way to my car. I try climbing out, but he plops me back inside.



"Noah, I swear, let me get out or-"

"Or what?"


"QUACK QUACK." I pinch him.

"OW! MOOOOO." I pinch him again.


"NOAH SHUT UP." I whisper, scream. He's screaming like an animal in the parking lot. I finally climb out of the cart, but I'm thrown over his shoulder.

"NOah, LEt me DOWN."

"Nope." He dumps me in the car, and quickly loads the snacks in the back of the car. I stay in the car, deciding not to argue with him. I quickly scramble into the driver's seat without him noticing.

"Hi Noah," I say smirking.

"Hi Naya, what are you doing?"

"I'm driving us home." I reply, staring at him innocently.

"Sure you are."

"Noah, I have the keys in my pocket. You literally cannot drive us to your house."

He huffs, and slouches in his seat. I pull out of the grocery store and drive back to his house.

Hiiiiii! I had such a great time writing this. I love them! I can't wait for their relationship to progress!! Kinda short note today, but thanks for reading!



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