chapter 60- payback's a bitch

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Chapter 60

"How the fuck did you manage to not pack anything? We're literally leaving for Cali tomorrow!"

I yelled.

"I didn't feel like it. Packing sucks!" Noah yells.

"No one likes to pack, but what the heck are you going to do if you don't have any clothes?"

"Walk around naked."

"What the heck? No. You're not going to do that. Get your stuff into a suitcase."

"I bet you'd like to see me naked."

"Shut the duck up and pack your shit."'I reply, with a red face.


I started laughing.

"I swear, you're a literal animal, and if you-"

"I can be an animal if you want me to-"

"Would you stop with the sex jokes? Do you remember that even when we were getting to know each other you made that same exact joke?" I say, snickering.

"You love my jokes."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Finish packing." I had brought my suitcases over to Noah's house and was helping him get ready. I folded a stack of clothes, and put them into his suitcase. I sit down in the bed and attack another pile that he dumped out of his closet. Noah just stares at me.

"Are you just going to stare at me, or help me pack?"

"Stare at you."

"Get your butt over here, Finky." He comes over and sticks his butt in my face.

"Get your ugly butt out of my face!" I tell shoving him away.

"I have a cute butt." He puts, then turns around and shakes it. I start laughing.

"You might have a cute butt, but I have the best butt." I get off the bed and start twerking.

"I have a better butt."

"No I do."

"No I do."

"I have the best butt."




"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I ruffle his hair.

"Hey! My hair!"

"Awww, you pwetty wittle pwincess-"

"I'm not a Princess."

"Sure you're not. Princess." I tease. He punches me, and I roll my eyes.

"Nikul and Adhya are flying with us tomorrow."

"Oh, nice."

"Yep." It's silent for a few moments.

"Im getting some food." I announce and walk downstairs, Noah following shortly behind. I'm going toot him back. I open a bag of cheetos. I moan.

"Jeez, this stuff is so good!" I exclaim. His hands tighten on the counter.

"Yeah they are," He says quietly. Soon enough, my fingers become orange from the cheese. I slowly lick my finger, sucking on it, and my tongue darting out. His knuckles turn white in the countertop. I lick each of my fingers, slowly removing my lips from my finger, my eyes never leaving his.I throw the packet in the trash and wash my hands. I take off my jacket. I stretch my hands up and knock the cricks out of my back. My shirt rides up as I list my arms, my bare stomach showing. His eyes don't leave my body, lingering on the bare skin. I slowly brush my hair behind my neck, and drag my fingertips across my skin. His hands are curled into fists and his knuckles are pure white. I slowly walk up to him and slip my arms around his waist, pressing a short kiss to his cheek and walking away. He looks completely stunned. He looks at me with so much desire and lust. He looks hungry and his hands reach my waist pulling me back.

"You're a fucking tease," He says, my back pressing against the countertop. I smirk in response and wiggle out of his grasp.

"Payback, bitch." I tell him in a sweet voice. I go upstairs to his room, leaving him flabbergasted downstairs. I immediately change into his shirt, waiting to tease him some more when he comes up. I hear his feet thundering up the stairs and rushing into the room.He's not gonna get a single kiss from me today. He rushes into the room and sees me on the bed. He's armables on top of me and all his clothes and tries to kiss me, but I move my head to the side.


"Love," I mock.

He attempts to kiss me, but I move my head again, and scurry out from under him. He looks like he's gonna murder me. I snicker.

"How is this funny?" Noah asks, irritated.

"Well, love, it's payback."

"For wha- Oh." I grin evilly. He chases after me and backs me into a wall.

"FYI, this is only the beginning of the payback. You haven't seen anything yet." I tell him, my face an inch from his before I slip away.

"Oh? Then two can play this game, love." He smirks and then takes off his shirt. I gulp. He's like so freakin ripped, and- frick.His arms flex slightly, and I nearly drool looking at his abs.

"Naya?" His voice breaks me out of the trance.

His eyes are clouded. I step closer to him and trail my fingers across his shoulders and on the side of his neck. His eyes bore into mine. My lips nearly touch his.

"I'm not falling for that," I whisper to him and walk away, my cheeks extremely red. He just stands there. I sit on his bed and lie down. I can see a bulge in his pants.

"You wanna take care of that, sweetcheeks?" I wink at him, and he hobbled to the bathroom, while I burst into laughter.

"I'm actually going to murder you." He says, coming out of the bathroom.

"Go for it. We both know you love me too much to do that."

"Fuck off."

"Okay, princess," I retort, grinning. He whacks me with a pillow.

"Ouch! What the hell Finky?"

"ABUSE!" I dramatically scream.

We quickly finish packing the rest of hist stuff into a suitcase and place it next to mine.

"That wasn't so hard now, was it?"

"Can I get a kiss for my hard work."


"Love, how long are you gonna keep this up?' He groans.

"As long as I want to." I grin evilly. He tries to kiss me.

"Nuh uh. No more kisses for you."

"Fine." He gives me a lopsided smile. What the hell is he gonna do?

Coffee Boy and Cupcake GirlOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant