chapter 87- donuts

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Chapter 87

I woke up the next morning, with Noah at my feet. What the hell was he doing? I pull my knees closer to me, and sneak out from the couch.

"Naya, don't go,please." He murmurs into the blankets. I don't say anything.

His eyes open.

"Naya, please, don't go."

"I'm just going upstairs." I say, making my words sharp.

"How long are you going to stay mad at me?" He asks, his voice cracking.

"As long as I feel it. You can't treat me the way you did yesterday. That was not okay." I get up from the couch, but he tugs my wrist, causing me to fall back onto him. I scramble off of him, but he traps me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and his face nuzzling my neck. As much as I wanted him, I wasn't going to be okay with the way he acted.

"Get off me, Noah." I whisper.

"Naya, please."

"No." I unwrap his arm from my waist, and slide out. My chest hurts slightly, because I know that I'm causing him pain, but I don't know what other way to show him that what he did wasn't okay with me. I quickly brush my teeth and come back downstairs, going to the kitchen. The time is seven o'clock. I bet no one is going to be awake yet.

A shirtless Noah walks into the kitchen.

"Morning, love." He greets me, painfully. I don't say anything to him.

"Shanaya, please, talk to me." I unwrap my bandage, and throw it in the trash. I'm about to grab a new clean one to wrap around it, and he gently tkes my injured hand.

"Is this what happened, because of me yesterday?" I haven't said anything yet. My eyes are permanently attached to the floor, when I feel a droplet on my hand.

"Naya, I'm so sorry. I love you. Please, please, talk to me." I snatch my hand from his, and rewrap the gauze from his hand. I finally meet his eyes, which are glossed over. His cheeks have tears dripping down them. My heart hurt.

"I love you too, but what happened yesterday crossed a line for me. I'm-I'm sorry." His hands grab my hips, and he presses his lips to mine. It's bittersweet, and gentle. My body betrays me, and kisses him back. He gently bites down on my lips, and I softly moan into his mouth, but push him away. I ignored the butterflies in my stomach.

"I'm sorry, just-just not now."

"Love, please. Please, talk to me. I need you. I'm sorry. I- I- please listen to me."

"I'm listening, so talk." I lean against the counter, my arms crossed across my chest.

" I found out yesterday that my father raped my mother. They-they were never in love. He was abusive towards her. He was- I can't even believe him. My- My mother soon got pregnant-" He takes in a shuddering breath.

"She-She soon became pregnant with my older sister. Then me. And Everest. Once she got old enough, he- he-he fucking raped he-her too. I- I only found o-out ye-yesterday-" He's freely crying now, and his breath is shaky and uneven. I put my hand on his arm.

"Take a deep breath, Noah. Deep breath." He takes in another deep breath, his voice slowly steadying.

"I-Im sorry. I was in a bad place ye-yesterday. I didn't know what to do, and I-Iwas so fucking mad, I wanted to kill him. I didn't know how to tell you-" His eyes wander all around the kitchen.

"Noah. Noah, look at me." His eyes are greener than they have ever been before.

"You love me, right?"

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