chapter 95- you're my person

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Chapter 95

I'd asked Matt to drive the kids back home. I had something I needed to care of. Shanaya was at home, I knew she'd never approve of this. The car engine stopped as I drove to the house. I hadn't been inside in years. My skin crawled as I reached for the doorbell. I banged on the door. Heavy footsteps sounded, and the door opened.

"Noah," He sneered. I punched him in the face, causing him to stumble back. I was boiling with rage.

"Fucking bastard. Who the FUCK do you think you are?" He roars, dragging me by the collar into the house. Adrenaline rushed through my veins. I twisted his arm behind his back, and kicked him in the stomach, throwing punch after punch. He struggled beneath me, occasionally grazing my nose or lip. I swiped at the blood, and swung at his stomach. He managed to throw me off him.

"My own fucking son beating me up in my own fucking house. How disgraceful do you think that is, huh?" My father snarled. I stood up, grabbing him by the throat.

"You lay your hands on her one more fucking time. I'll kill you. I swear, I'll kill you." I spat in his face, and walked out the door. My knuckles were split open and bleeding, and my lip was swollen. Fucking asshole. Who the hell does he think he is? Touching her? The one person that keeps me going? No fucking way. Not a chance in hell. I slammed the car door shut, my hands tightly gripping the steering wheel. One of my hands tightly gripped my hair, and pulled it backwards, allowing it to flop back in my face. I took a few deep breaths, slowly calming myself. I pictured Shanaya in my mind, her tiny body wrapped around me, and her sweet chatter.

After a moment, I pulled myself together, driving home.

I rang the doorbell. I heard footsteps, and Shanaya opens the door.

"What the- Noah what the hell happened to you? Are you okay?" Her brows furrow in concern, as she gently tugs me inside the house. She puts her hands on my cheeks, scanning the rest of me for injuries.

"Oh, God, Noah. What did you do?"

"I told him not to touch you."

"Who, Noah?"

"My father." Her eyes burrow into mine, before she hugs me tightly.

"You're okay, I'm okay, we're all here." She repeats that over and over. More to reassure herself, I think.

She pulls me upstairs, while grabbing a first aid kit.

"Are Fiona and Everest here, yet?"

"Yeah, they got home about twenty minutes ago. They're in her room doing homework." She dabs at the cut on my cheek, and I hiss, it stings.

"Shit, sorry." She applies a bandage there, and presses an icepack to my lip, while she carefully inspects my hands. A small crease appears between her brows, probably in disapproval.

"Naya, I'm sorry."

"I-I just-- you- you don't have to do this. There are other ways to-"

"I know. I heard your voice in my head telling me not to do it. I'm sorry." She brushes her thumb across my chin, now standing between my legs.

"I-You don't have to do this for me Noah. Because I'm okay."

"Okay." I pull her close, and kiss her softly, but she jumps.

"Sorry, love. Did I do someth-"

"Your lips are so cold!" She says, laughing. I chuckle.

"Come here."

"No, you're like the fricking- the yeti! You're a yeti!"

"What the fuck? No, I'm not a yeti!" I protest, as she takes my hands.

"Calm your little yeti brain, and let me take care of you." She smiles, and my heart seems to explode with warmth. She bandages my knuckles.

"What?" She asks me, a grin on her face.

"What do you mean?"

"You've a got a goofy smile on your face, plus you've been staring at me for the past couple minutes."

I smile at her, and press our lips together.

"Noah," She whispers against my lips. Her hands slide across my shoulders and up my neck, tangling in my hair. I grunt as she lightly tugs on it, making me feel alive everywhere. I gently bite down on her lip as she moans. My fingers tangle in her hair as I slowly kiss her, her moans sending sparks all over my body. I press harder against her lips, opening her mouth, and slipping my tongue inside. Her hands tug at the bottom of my shirt, her cool fingers pressing against my stomach, fuck, it feels amazing. They keep tracing up and up until my shirt is removed and it's just her and me. My hands tightly grip her hips at she kisses my neck, my jaw, and nips on my earlobe. I flip her around, pressing her against the back of the countertop. Her hands test on my bare chest, her eyes scanning up and down, as her eyes darken. Nayas captivating brown eyes meet mine, filled with love and affection.

"Done testing me now, love?"

"I don't know what you mean?"

The corner of her mouth lifts up, as she moves her hands across my chest, and I can't hold back anymore. I smash my lips against her, teeth and tongues clashing. Her breaths come out short and fast as I attack her lips over and over again. I whip off her shirt,'kissing her neck, and listening to her say my name over and over again.

"I'm the only one you belong to, Shanaya." I say against her chest, slowly unclipping her bra, her breasts spilling out. She doesn't say anything but nods in response, whimpering, as I slowly slide down her pants, and move my hands against the smooth skin of her stomach. I let my lips move against her, touching her everywhere my hands did.

"Oh, God, Noah." She mutters, her eyes rolling into the back of her head, her nails digging into my shoulders, as I continue to pleasure her. I skim my hands over the soft skin of her back, and she arches, biting her lip, and her chest pressed to mine. I spin her around, my fingertips brushing her bare stomach. I kiss her shoulder blades, and the side of her neck, my finger tracing the line of her spine. She moans once more, spinning around, re-attaching our lips together. I kiss her down her neck reaching her chest, and leaving little bites all over her.

She places her hands on my cheeks, lifting my face to hers, and softly pressing her lips to mine, as I melt against her. She pulls away, her cheeks flushed with the biggest fucking smile I've seen.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Her hands flew to cover her chest, as she searched for her bra somewhere. I grab it, and graze my fingertips across the small of her back, causing her to shiver.

She turns around.

"Two more days."

"Two more days till-"

"Yep." She turns red, but still smiling. She giggles. My face stretches into a grin watching her.

"Come here." I say, putting my arms around her, and kissing the top of her head.



"You know what happened with your dad wasn't your fault, right?"

"Shanaya-" I begin but she interrupts.

"No, Noah, Yu cant go blaming yourself for that. You saved me before it could've gotten worse. You helped me. Don't even doubt that for a second." Her chocolate eyes stare into mine, and it's so pure, so sincere.

"I don't deserve you."

"You deserve everything you want. Tell me, who is telling you you don't deserve things, huh? Please tell me, because I would like to talk to them and have a conversation with them on who is putting these ridiculous thoughts in your head." I chuckle.

She hugs me, her ear pressed to my chest, listening to my heartbeat. Every Time she's around me, it becomes erratic. I can't think or see straight when she's around because all I can think about is her. I'm in love with her, every flaw, every perfection.

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