chapter 63- kisses, dreams, and doofus

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Chapter 63

I woke up to an empty bed. Noah had disappeared. I put my glasses on and saw him sitting on the couch, frowning at something on his phone.

"Noah?" I asked him, and bounded over to me almost immediately.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You've been asleep for thirty minutes. You asked me to wake you up after an hour." He responds.

"Oh, okay, well thanks." He pulls the covers over the two of us.

"I love you so much." I tell him, just feeling a full heart.

"I love you too." He kisses my forehead.

"I love it when you do that." I tell him.

"Do what?"

"Kiss my forehead."



"Wanna play a game?" He asks me.


"It's called kiss Naya."


He pouts. "Why?"

"Because I'm tired, and I would like to be able to walk at the gala tomorrow. That's why."

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because you're in pain."

"Noah, i'm just giving you a hard time. I'll be fine by tomorrow. It's just, we-we did so-so many ro-rounds already, I- I'll deal with the pain. But just let's not do it right now, okay?" My face is super heated.

"Okay." He gives me a goofy smile.

"You get flustered so easily."

"I do not."

"You do."

"I hate you."

"No you don't." I can't argue.

"Was it good?" Noah asks.

"Was what good?"

"The sex." My face turns bright red.

"Uhm, er- ye-yeah-i-it was re-really go-good, so go-good actually," I stammer. He grins. His head is on my chest, and I can feel my heart rate going up.

"Noah, was it okay?"

"Define it."

"You know exactly what I mean." He laughs.

"It was perfect. Best I ever had. " He looks up at me.

"Noah, I have a question, but I'm not sure-"

"What is it?"

"How many girls have been in that bed?"

"You mean mine? Just you." He answers honestly.


"You were the first girl who meant something to me. I'm not going to take you to the place where I hooked up with other women." I felt happy, and a pang of jealousy. Exactly how many girls were there?

"Okay." I reply in a small voice.

"Hey, look at me. You're the only girl for me. No one else could ever compare to you. Okay? I love you." I just give him an intense stare and make him wrap his arms around me.

Noah's POV:

She looked so peaceful. Her eyes were shut, and soft snores escaped from her mouth. Her head rested on my shoulder and I had my arm wrapped around her waist. I always wanted to be around her touching her. Whether it was holding her hand, kissing her forehead, or her lips, or anything. I always wanted to be around her now. Shanaya had fallen back asleep in my arms, and it seemed as if she was waking up again. About two hours had passed since she fell asleep last, and I decided to let her rest. She let out a small yawn. She looked at me and her face immediately went red.

"Good afternoon, love?" I greeted her.

"He-Hi Noah," She stuttered, her face still completely red.

"Love, why is your face red?"

"I don't know." She answered rather quickly, almost too quickly.

"How was your dream?" Her neck and ears flushed the minute I said that.

"It was fine, I don't really remember it." She tried moving around, but winced.

"Lovee, are you okay?"

"You know the cure for soreness?"

"More sex." She joked. I kissed her forehead, and smiled.

"How long was I out?"

"About 2 hours."

"Really? I feel good now! Like, energy, POW!" She punches the air. I laugh at her childish antics.

"I need to pee. Where's the bathroom?" She gets out of the bed and attempts to walk, but winces.

"Was I too rough? I'm so sorry, love."

"No, you were fine. You were really good, actually." She says, blushing.

"So good, that I want you again," She mutters under her breath, unaware of the fact that I heard it.

"What was that, love?" I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom.

"Nothing." She says, and rushes to the bathroom the minute I drop her.

I can't believe she said that. I've been thinking about it every minute of today, but I don't want to wreck her for tomorrow. She comes out of the bathroom, waddling to the bed.

"I'm really sorry love," I tell her. I feel bad that she's in pain.

"It's okay. It's definitely worth it. And if you apologize one more time I swear I'll throw you off the plane." I smile. She is so wonderful.

"Wanna kiss?" She puckers up her lips, and fakely tries to kiss me.

"Always," I joke with her, and lightly peck her lips. Shanaya pulls me down on top of her.

"Kiss me." she tells me, her eyes light and playful. I kiss her cheek.

"Not there, doofus." I kiss her other cheek.

"You dumbo." I kiss her nose.

"Do I have to do everything myself?" She grumbles and plants a kiss on my lips. I greedily kiss her back, wanting more and more.

"What was your dream about?" I ask her, murmuring into her neck.

"What dream? I don't know what dream you're talking about."

"Oh yeah?" She nods. I lie down next to her.

"Hey, why did you stop?" She asks, turning to face me.

"What was you dream about."

"I swear, Noah, you're such a child."

"Would a child-" She puts her hand on my mouth. I laugh.

"Finish that sentence, I dare you."

"What was your dream about?"

"You." She answers quickly and quietly.

"Oh, and what about?" I ask, teasing her.

"I'm not telling you that."


"I swear to God, Noah-"

"You love me."

"I do, you big doofus."

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