chapter 13- warm ice packs

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Chapter 13

'We go inside Nyra's house to find Anvi already there with Liam. Awww, were they together? I give Noah a look and point to Anvi and Liam. He smiles at me. I make a heart and point to them, and he laughs. They are so cute. Noah spots Kaio and walks over. I walk over with him.

"You look like shit bro." Noah says. I wack him on the head, going on my tippy toes.

"I mean, how are you feeling Kaio?" Noah corrects.

"Are you sure you are okay Kaio?" I ask him.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Nyra is not letting me even move from the couch. " He says and grins at us.

"That's my best friend for ya," I say with a smile.

"I thought I was your bestie."

"Get over yourself Noah." He rolls his eyes, Kaio starts to laugh, but gets caught in a coughing fit. I snicker. Noah glares at me. I leave Noah and Kaio to talk and I go to see Anvi and Liam.

"Hi sugar momma!" I greet her using the nickname in my phone.

"Hello sugar daddy." Liam bursts into laughter.

"Exactly what did I just witness?" Liam says, laughing.

I pretend to lean in for a kiss, and Anvi shoves my face away.

"You weirdo." She tells me, rolling her eyes and smiling.

"You love me." I smile.

"No I don't."

"Yes you do. I'm a very lovable person."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I scoff.

"Nice to see you guys!" I walk away, allowing them to converse and find Nyra. I couldn't find her, and saw the bathroom light was on. I decided to scare her. I waited outside the bathroom and heard the tap turning on and off. She walked out of the bathroom and I jumped in front of her, screaming "BOO!"

She jumped and screamed, and whacked me, not realizing it was me.

"Ouch," I said rubbing my head.

"Shanaya you scared the shit out of me!"

"Isn't that what you just went to the bathroom to do?" I ask her. Whack.

"Ouch! I swear, I'm so undervalued here." I complain as she rolls her eyes. I see the whole room is silent. Noah is missing, and Anvi and Liam are silent pointing to Kaio, and gesturing that he's asleep. I given them a thumbs up and wave goodbye. I'm about to leave, when Noah suddenly pops up and scares me! He taps me on the shoulder, and I whack him in the face and scream. He holds his face, a bruise slowly forming on his nose.

"Holy shirt, I'm so sorry Noah, you scared me so bad!" I said, holding his face and looking at the bruise.

"It's fine," He says laughing.

I go get him an ice pack, and press it on his face."

"What the fuck, that's so cold!" He squeals. I resist the urge to make a comment about his squealing.

"It's a frickin ice pack. Should I warm it up for you?" I sarcastically say.

"Shut up."

"Make me."

Hihi!! Still part of the mass update. Sorry forthe short chapter. getting really sleepy lol. It's almost 1 am. Goodnight, and thanks for reading!


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