chapter 6-apologies, or not?

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Chapter 6

Saturday slowly passed and faded into Sunday. Honestly, the days just felt like a blur. I had just eaten breakfast when I heard the doorbell ring.  I slowly dragged myself to the door, wondering who could it possibly be at 9 am? I opened the door to find none other than Noah standing in front of me. I rubbed my swollen eyes, and my head ached just from seeing him there.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask tiredly, exhausted from crying.I see him holding chocolates. The corne of my mouth lifts up in a small smile.

"I came to apologize." he starts, shoving a box in front of me.
"Well, you brought chocolates, that's a good start." I gave him a weak smile.

He smiles back at me.

"Your friends said this woud make you feel better. I have zero experience with this. I'm trying to be nice because Kaio won't shut up about Nyra, and-"

"How is this an apology?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow, becoming more pissed by the second.

"I brought chocolates." So? So what if he brought fucking chocolates? 

"That's literally the definition of a bribe. Not an apology." I was about to slam the door in his face. When he pushes it open.

" Look, I came here to apologize, but it looks like you don't want one." He glares at me, which I return, gladly. He was so frustrating.

"Are you serious? You call that an apology? You were literally just talking about yourself the entire time, and not once did I hear the words, "I'm sorry." I say to him, my face hardening, and my anger flaring up.

"You know what Shanaya, I don't know if you're on your period or something, but I think you're the one who owes me an apology now." Is this guy for real? I shove the box of chocolates back into his hands. Is he serious? I'm on my fucking period? If I was on my period, I would've have already murdered his pathetic ass by now.

"In your dreams, asshat. Now get the hell out of my house, before I  kick you out." I spat. I close the door and lock it. Who does he think he is? He thinks he can just walk over me? Really? No way. Not ever. I'm never letting someone walk all over me again. Who deos he even think he is? What a jerk. So arrogant. So damn arrogant, and ignorant, and insenstive. Just because Kaio likes Nyra. Isn't it basic human decency? I push him out of my head, not wanting to get angry by setting my mind on him. I headed for a shower, needing to clear my head.

I started getting ready. I was meeting Anvi and Nyra at our favorite restaurant for a girls night in the evening. I put on a pair of hooped earrings, and a flowy top tucked into jeans and my converse sneakers. I drove to Nyra's house and carpooled with her and Anvi on the way to the restaurant. I don't say anything on the way there, not wanting to be questioned by them.

"Ok that's it. What the heck is wrong with you 'Naya?" Anvi asks, annoyed.

"What do you mean nothing is wrong with me. I'm perfectly fine," I mumbled, not wanting to let on what was going on.

"You're clearly not," Nyra says, concerned. I don't say anything. I had felt quite fricked up after yesteday's incident.

Nyra pulls up to the restaurant, and we get seated at the table.

"Naya you need to tell us what's wrong. We want to help you," Anvi tells me as we sit down. I don't say anything, getting irritated. I just want them to stop asking me. I don't want to talk about it. Nyra opens her mouth to ask me again, and I lose it. Damn it.

"Ok fine, you wanna know what's wrong?" I snap.

" I got an email saying that I wasn't fit to adopt a child after sending in my application. Noah found out and made fun of me for it. I've had it up to here with his snarky comments so I punched him in the face because he deserved it. He might've apologized for being a quack but that doesn't give him the right to say those things. I didn't want to tell you guys because you seemed happy and I didn't want to take away that happiness," I tell them, my voice cracking, and heart breaking yet again. I felt like crying. I felt so weak. So damn angry at myself for letting them see me like this.

"Shanaya, we had no idea. You have to tell us these things so that we can help you and it hurts that you feel you couldn't tell us. Whatever happened to Bros before Hoes?" Nyra says, and I chuckle. My anger slowly simmered down. I shouldn't even be angry at them. I should be furious wiht Noah. 

"You should never feel like you can't tell us anything because it is quite the opposite from that. Never hesitate, and I mean never," Nyra tells me, and I give her a small smile.

I pull them both into a tight hug. Residual anger remained still, but I hugged them nonetheless, because I wanted them both to know how mucch I appreciated them.

"Thank you so much you guys, I don't know what I'd do without you." I tell them,  grateful for their support.

"Are you okay now? Is there anything we can do?" Nyra asks again.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'll be fine you guys," I wipe away the stray tears

"All right bitches, Let's have some fun!!"

Hello! Sorry, short chapter again. It's still super late and this is part of the mass update, so ima keep this short. Bye y'all and thanks for reading!



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