chapter 3- boys and bitches

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Chapter 3

"Coffee Boy?"

"Cupcake girl?"
"YOu spilled coffee all over my HARRY POTTER T-Shirt!!!" I yelled at him.

"You PURPOSELY smashed your cupcake in my face!" He yells back.

"Because YOU spilled coffee on my freaking HARRY POTTER T-SHIRT and then told me it was MY FAULT! Are you KIDDING ME?? PLUS YOU MADE ME WASTE A CUPCAKE!"



'UGH I HATE YOU!" We yelled at the same time. I huffed and turned the other direction. Then, he has the audacity to say this,

"And, it's good I spilled coffee on that Harry Potter T-shirt. I don't even like Harry Potter. Guess what? Cupcakes suck ass."

I am about to punch him. Normally, I don't usually get riled up, but his face just looks so punchable, I would have NO PROBLEM doing it to him right now. I was about to attack him when Anvi and Nyra restrained me. I give them murderous looks, but they don't let me at him. Their loss. Maybe if I smashed my fist in his face, it would fix something. Or not. With a brain the size of a peanut, there can't be much to fix.

We finally are in Kaio's... penthouse? Damn, this guy is loaded. I get dragged out of the elevator in the opposite direction from him. Ugh, he gets on my nerves so much. He smirks at me, earning a glare from me in return. Ass.

I choose to ignore him and then find a wondrous assortment of different Italian foods on the countertop. Kaio walks up to Nyra and starts having a conversation. I wink at her (not so subtly) and I get flipped off. Again. I've lost count of how many times it's been. I'm about to take a chocolate, when he steals the chocolate from my hand. I look around, and see everyone else has disappeared. Good. No one will be here to witness his murder. How dare he takes my food??

"Look, Dude, you can't take chocolates from me and expect to be friends. Give. It. Back." I say, warning in my tone. You know what he does?? He puts it in his mouth! And swallows it!! If looks could kill, he'd be dead and killed by me, multiple times over. He took my ducking food. My food. Not the general food. Only the one in my hand.

"Look, cupcake, I eat what I want, whenever I want. And I also have a name. My name is Noah. Pleasure to meet you." he tells me in an overly sarcastic tone. My blood boils just looking at him.

"Look, I don't care who you are, NOBODY takes my food. That earns them a death sentence. Got it?" I tell him. He's getting on my nerves. Seriously, it's a full plate of chocolates! He could've taken any one, but he had to take the one in my hand! He takes a chocolate from the plate, smushes it, and places it in my hand.

"Here you go, cupcake, you can eat your chocolate now," he tells me and kisses my hand, inching closer to me.

I knee him in the stomach and push him away, and he falls on the ground.

"Call me cupcake, one more time, and I'll shove this up your butt. And DON'T even think about touching me."

I was about to leave him on the floor, when I saw Nyra coming down the stairs. Shit. Think fast.

"Shanaya, what do you think you're doing?" She asks me, raising her eyebrow.

"Hiding the evidence," I cheekily reply.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? LET GO OF MY LEG CRAZY FACE!" Coffee Boy screams as I drag him by his feet. I drop his legs, which land on the wooden floor with a large thud.

"Oops." I smirk at him.

He gives me a look so mad I think I might have to run. Nah. I'm not doing anything. I'm going to continue being a bad bitch.

We all are about to head to Kaio's media room, when Noah bends down and whispers in my ear,

"Just wait, cupcake, I'll get you back, and you won't even see it coming."
I look him dead in the eye. "Bring it on, bitch."


OOhhhh, Shanaya is so mad! what do you guys think is going to happen next? She is losing her marbles! Let me know what you think in the comments!! Thanks so much for reading and have a great day! 

Love you all,


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