chapter 72-houses and confessions

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Chapter 72

"Naya, you gotta wake up."

"Leave me alone." I wail.

"We're going to the walk of stars today. Do you really wanna miss that? We're flying back tomorrow!"

"Fine, but if I'm cranky, that's on you. I didn't get any sleep last night, thanks to you." I grumble.

"That, I can deal with." I slowly walk to the toilet, my stomach throbbing. Fuck. It's the time of the month. I'm going to hurt someone today.

Noah and I finish getting ready and head down for breakfast.

"Good morn- Woah, Naya, you look tired, did you sleep at all?" Emily asks.

"No, thanks to this moron, I didn't get any sleep." I glare at him, and Jared laughs.

"What'd he do?" Jared asks.

"After you all got wasted, and Noah passed out on the table, I attempted to carry Him up the stairs. I barely dragged him to the base of the stairs, when this idiot suddenly awakens, and is all 'You're not my girlfriend, you're an impostor,' and runs and locks himself inside the room. So I slept on the couch. In the hallway. Then, he comes at around three AM, and wonders what I'm doing out in the hallway."

Jared stifles a laugh, and Emily snickers.

"How many times do I have to apologize?" Noah groans.

"As much as it makes me feel good." I retort, and both Emily and Jared burst out laughing. I clutch my stomach and groan suddenly. Sometimes, I hate being a girl.

"Naya, are you okay?" Emily asks, and I stare at her. After a second, she understands, and rubs my back, and hands me a hot chocolate.

"Thank you, I love you." I tell Emily, sipping my hot chocolate.

"Don't you love me too?" Noah asks.



"I don't like you."

"I was drunk!"

"You threw me out of the ducking room!"

"I'm SORRY!"


"Naya." I throw him the fakest smile I can muster.

Noah's POV

"She keeps you on your toes, huh?"

Jared nudges my shoulder.

"Yessir." I slump. I'm a fucking dumb drunk.

Jared laughs, and pats my back.

"Women, am I right?" He jokes, and my head hits the table. Emily and Naya smack us at the same time. Women.

Back to Naya POV

"Women, huh?" I ask hi. slightly annoyed.

"Naya," he starts.

"No, it's completely fine." I falsely tell him, giving Emily a look.

"Come on, we're gonna be late, love," I mock as we leave.

We meet up with the rest of our group and head out for lunch afterwards.

"That's why I'm pissed at Noah today. He's a total idiot." I explain to the group.

"I was drunk!"

"You are a dumbass."

"I agree."

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