chapter 56- make up

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Chapter 56

I woke up at around 7 o'clock the next morning. Noah's face is pressed into my chest, and his arm is under my shirt, grasping my waist. I run my hands through his impossibly soft hair. I love this man so much. I kiss his hair and lie back down on the pillow. He shifts in his sleep. I hear him cry out my name. I look down at him. He groans, and he grabs me even tighter. I feel on fire where his hands touch my skin. I shake him lightly.

"Noah? Hey, are you okay?" I shake him again, and he shoots out of bed, his eyes wide and his face covered in sweat. He looks around the room, panicked, and he grabs me.

"Hey, what's going on? Are you okay?" I ask him, immediately hugging him back. He takes my face in his hands.

"Thank god, you're okay," He clutches me tightly.

"Of course I'm okay. Do you want to talk about what happened?" He shakes his head and pulls me into his lap.

"I love you so fucking much. I promise I won't ever let anything happen to you." He promises.

"I love you too, baby. I know. I won't let anything happen to you either." I pull his face close to mine and stare into his eyes. He buries his face in my neck, breathing me in. I can feel his hot breath on my neck.

"Noah, you know I love you, but you do know I'm not kissing you until you brush your teeth. Right? I'm in fact going to go and brush mine now." I tell him, trying to get off the bed. He flips me over.

"I mean it." I grin evilly. He glares at me.

"I'm not wearing a bra either." I whisper into his ear and walk into the bathroom. His face is red, and I can feel him staring at my butt. I let him. I have a great ass.

I finish brushing my teeth and go back outside as Noah goes into the bathroom. I walk onto his balcony. The air is brisk and cold, but it's wonderfully fresh in the morning. I inhale deeply, enjoying the simple beauty, as I stare out into the city. Noah grabs my waist, pulling me back into the bedroom, and shutting the door behind me.

"Good morning, love."

"Good morning Finky." I grin.

"Why the hell do you insist on calling me that?"
"Because you won't admit you have a foot kink."

"You're so weird."

"You can't live without me." I flip my hair dramatically. He smiles softly.

"Wanna go shopping today? I need to get a dress for the launch party."

"Only if I can buy it."

"You're not doing any such thing."

"Yes I am."

"If you pay for the dress I'm telling the whole group about your foot kink."

"Go for it."

"I'll make them call you FInk-Fink."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh, but I would." I smile mischievously.

"I do not have a foot kink."
"Deny it all you want, but you and I both know that you have one."

"I don't have a foot kink."

"Denial!" I sing song.

"Fink Finky Finky FInky-" He muffles my words by putin his hand on my mouth. I lick it.

"Gross, Naya."


"Cupcake destroyer."

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