chapter 50- confessions, and dinner parties

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Chapter 50

I was currently waiting at the airport with Anvi and Nyra. Nikul and Adhya's flight had landed and we were waiting for them. We all made huge signs with glitter markers to hold up for them. I spotted them.

"NIKUL! ADHYA!" I scream. They roll their eyes, and walk over to us. We crush them in a big hug.

"We missed you!" We squeal and hug them.

"We miss you guys too!"

"I can't believe my little brother is getting married!" I squeal.

"I can't believe my little sister is getting married!" Anvi shrieks.

"I can't believe my babies are all grown up!" Nyra says, wiping a fake tear. We laugh.

We climbed into my car. Obviously there's not enough room for all of us, so everyone squishes into the back seat, and Nikul sits with me in the front.

"So, how have you been? Are you excited about california next week? I can't wait for you guys to get married! Ah-"

"Naya, let me talk!" He laughs.

"Adhya and I are fine. We're going to move into a house in Boston!"

"Oh my gosh! I'm so excited for you!" I was about to talk some more when I heard squabbling in the back seat.

"Move your butt!"

"Move yours! I fit perfectly fine! Besides, the bride should have her space!" Adhya yells.

"I dont fucking care! My face is in a damn window!" Anvi yells back. I laugh with Nikul. Those two are always squabbling. We drive to Anvi's house. All of us are going to meet up at Anvi''s house for dinner, including Noah, Liam, and kaio.. Her food is always so good.

Anvi made some spicy veggie biryani, and this amazing dip to eat with chips. She wouldn't let me touch any of her food until everyone arrived, and only let us sample it.

"Anvi, your food is really good!" Nikul comments.

"Thanks! I made some brownies too!"

"OOhhh gimme!" I tell her. She just laughs and shakes her head. Nyra and Adhya chat away, an I start catching up with Nikul.

"So, how's your residency goi-" My phone starts ringing.

"Who's Coffee Idiot?" he asks.

"My boyfriend." I tell him, and he cracks up. He notices I'm serious.

"Wait really? Oh cool. Does mom know?"

"I have to call her! Hopefully I'll visit her soon, and I'll call her." I tell him and pick up the phone.

"Hey, love, what are you doing?"

"Hi Noah! My brother and his fiancee came to visit! Remember we're going out for dinner tonight?"

"Oh shit, I forgot! Don't worry, I'll be there." He reassures me.

"Okay you better be." I threaten. Adhya calls me.

"Shoot, I have to go. See you tonight?"

"Yeah, i'll see you. I love you."

"Love you too! Bye Noah!" He hangs up.

"Sorry guys," I apologize and walk back into the room.

"Who was that?" Adhya asks.

"My boyfriend." I gin.

"Wait really? Is he real? He's not imaginary like adrien?" I snort.
"No, dummy." I show her a picture.

"He's so hot! No offense Nikul, you're handsome too," She says, her mouth dropping open.

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