chapter 11- pizza

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Chapter 11

"I'm hungry ,kitty." I told him.

"Do you wanna order pizza?" He asks.

"Yep. I'm going to get my phone."

I get up to go and get my phone from the counter, but he doesn't let me move.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Holding you down, bugaboo."

"Noah, let me order pizza."

"No. I'm ordering it."

"Coffee boy, NO. You're a guest at my house, I'm not letting you pay for our meal."

He still doesn't let me move.

I pinch his arm and he squeals.

"You squealed again." I told him, snickering.

"I swear Shanaya, if you tell anyone-"

"Chill piggy, I'm not telling anyone," I say with a victorious smirk.

"Did you just call me piggy?"

"Yes." He starts poking me everywhere.

"I'm-I'm so-s-sor-sorry, s-t-st-y-op-stop p-p-lease," I laughed. Then I fell on the ground. Face first. Ouch. Its completely silent. Then he starts laughing at me, and stands up, and tries leaving me there on the floor. He's going to regret this.

I jump on his back and he nearly falls.

"You dumped me on the floor, piggy" I tell him.

"Yes I did, bugaboo, what are you going to do about it?"

My heart fluttered when he said bugaboo. Miraculous is definitely my favorite show. I can't believe I have someone to do it with! While I'm lost in thought, He runs and dumps me on the couch. His face is inches from mine. Oh my god, he's hot. I cant get over how green his eyes are. His eyes stare into mine.

"You're very handsome." I tell him honestly.

"I know, sweetheart." There he goes, ruining it. Cocky much?

"You're so cocky. Take a compliment, you duck."


"What the heck??" I pushed his face away from mine and I am overcome with a laughing fit. I can't stop laughing. I wheezed. My face was red. Oh my god. He's such a weirdo. He was laughing too. Mosty at me, but he was still laughing. Once I was done laughing my butt of, I grabbed my phone. Noah didn't snatch it away this time. YES. One point, Shanaya.

"What do you want on the pizza?" I yelled across the house.

"Just get the veggie toppings one!" He yells back. Yay! He likes the veggie one too! I order the pizza and go back to the couch. I sit down next to him and put my head on his shoulder. I start snapping people back on Snapchat. I put on a crazy filter that makes him look like he's wearing makeup and add it to my private story, and save it. It looks fabulous.

"Delete the photo right now Shanaya."




He rolls his eyes.

"You are aware, you're not winning this argument, right?" I ask him. He chuckles.

"Noah, wanna see something cool?"

"Sure bugaboo."

I showed him my lock screen. It might look like an ordinary picture, but when I hold it down, it turns into Cat Noir.

"Is't it cool?" I asked him, a smile on my face.

"I think you're obsessed."

"You're obsessed." I showed him my home screen. I

" changed it to the picture of us wearing crop tops because we look so hot." I wink at him flirtatiously. He laughs.

"You're so weird."

"I know. I'm cool too." I told him.

"Cocky much?"

"That's big, coming from you? You are the cockiest person that I've ever met!" I told him.

He laughs again.

"Shanay-" The doorbell rings.

"One sec, I'll be right back." I get the pizza, and then Noah sticks a 50 in front of me.

"Dude! I was going to pay!" I yell at him. He just smirks at me.

'I hate you."

"I hate you too." I roll my eyes.

The pizza guy thanks us.

"Thank you sir. Have fun with your girlfriend!" He says with a smile and walks off.

"I'm ot his girl-" And the delivery guy is gone.

"So, girlfriend-"

"Shut it."

"Okay, girlfriend."

'Noah I swear to God-"

"Im your Cat Noir."


"And you're my Ladybug."

I flush."Still a no."

"Wanna go out with me?" He jokes and winks at me. I flipped him off.

"Shut up Noah." My face is fully burning now, and its definitely red.

Heyo!! Sorry, another short chapter here lol.

Also currently obsessed with Miraculous. Any fans? I LOVE IT SMM. CAT NOIR IS SO FREAKING HOT THO!! Adrien is a dumb blonde. Also, season 4 eps are goig to be out soon! Can't wait! Also currently watching the good place. It's so good.

Signing off,


P.S Thanks for reading! Love you all!

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