chapter 74- sappy sappy sappy

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Chapter 74

It had been about a week since we were back from California, and I was officially finished moving into his house. Noah said that his company would have some use for my old house, so I didn't sell it. An email suddenly pops up.

"Noah, guess what??????"


"Fiona is moving in with us in two weeks!!!!" I squeal.

"Really? That's awesome!! I'm so happy!!!"He picks me up and twirls me around. People stared at us from all around because of the commotion, and he set me down quickly.

"I'm so excited!!"

"I know you are! So am I! You're going to be a wonderful mother."

"Thank you Noah. I hate to bring this up, but how is your mom doing?"

"Same, weak as always. Barely taking care of my brother." He frowns and stares at the ground.

"Do you want to go and visit her sometime?"


"Noah, you're -"

"Naya, please."

"You're going to regret it Noah, I don't want you to feel like that."

"No, Im-" he stops talking suddenly.

"What is it?"

"Isn't that.. Fiona? She looks like she's in trouble."

"Where?!" I frantically asked, my eyes finally landing on her. An older man had grabbed her arm, and was trying to take her with him somewhere. I ran over, and unfurled his fingers from around her wrist. I smacked him in the face.

"Get away from my daughter." I spit.

"She's my daughter, sweetheart."

"How the hell did you get out? And she's not your daughter anymore."

"Doesn't matter how I got out. I'm taking her."

"Not a chance. Get away from her." I glare at him.

"I'm taking my daughter back. You don't dare tell me what do you bit-" Noah punches him. Fiona's father. He stumbles backwards. I'm furious.

"Hey, are you okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"N-No, he didn't." She stutters. I hug her. I can't even imagine what would have happened if we weren't here.

"Fiona." I whisper to the top of her head.



"You're moving in with me in two weeks."

"Wh-what? Really? You mean it?"

"Yeah, I mean it." I look her in the eyes, and she hugs me tightly. Noah hugs us all, safely tucking us in his embrace.

"Does this mean that you're my dad, Noah?" Fiona asks, looking at him. Shit, I hadn't even thought of what this means for Noah. I've been so focused on mysel-

"If you want me to." Noah smiles at her.

"Really? I mean- cool, okay. Is it okay if I call you Noah for now?"

"Whatever you're comfortable with." She hugs him, and my heart warms.

*Fast Forward to the Day Fiona moves in*

"Noah, why are there Barbie dolls all over the floor?"

"Because, Fiona might like them."

"She's fourteen."

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