chapter 35- lunchtime

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Chapter 35

We walked out of Bar-Bar's office together.

"God damn, he is fine," Barry whispers to me.

"I know right? I definitely scored," I said and we burst out laughing.

"What are you two whispering about?" Noah asks, looking at us skeptically.

"You." I say matter of factly.

"And what about me?"

"Your butt." Barry snickers, and I have to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing. Noah stares at me blankly. He doesn't say anything. I walk into the elevator with them, and I can't hold it together anymore, and start laughing so much. Noah and Bar-Bar stare at me oddly. I eventually pull myself together, and we head out to Noah's car.

"Is Noah a good boss?" I ask Barry, genuinely curious. Barry looks terrified.

"Don't worry, he won't fire you, I promise." I say giving Noah a warning look.

"I've never actually met him before until today, but I know, many people were intimidated by him." Barry confesses. Huh. He doesn't seem scary. Sure he's tall, but not scary. I jump up on Noah's back.

"Jeez, you're choking me woman!" He says and holds me tighter on his back.

"Is Noah still a big scary dinosaur now?" I ask Barry, fluttering my eyelashes for dramatic effect. Barry laughs. I hear Noah huff and hold me tighter.

"He's really old too, I think I see some gray hairs on his head." I joke, and I get a pinch on my thigh.

"Owww that hurts Noah!" I tell him.

"Bar-Bar, I'm getting abused!" I wail.

"Don't be so dramatic."

"That's rich coming from the guy who cried during a frickin cartoon show," I snicker.

He drops me off his back, and I almost fall, and Noah steadies me.

"That's like the third time you've dropped me." I tell him.

"I caught you though!" Noah smiles cheekily, and I smack his face.

"You're so violent!"

"You dropped me three times today!" I argue back. He takes my hand in his, and I lightly blush. I link my arm with Barry's and we finally reach the car.

We climb out of the car, and Noah drives us to this Chinese restaurant.

"Your name isn't actually Bar-Bar, is it?" Noah asks.

"Nope, I'm Barry, I'm the manager for the project in Japan." Barry says.

"Ohh, I've read your file, the work you've done is quite impressive." Noah compliments. Barry blushes a little and grins.

"Thanks boss-man," Barry smiles at Noah. I grin. I'm so happy they're getting along.

"Just Noah is fine, Barry." I grin even more.

"What are you smiling about Naya?" they ask me.

"I'm just happy you guys are getting along," I tell them. We pull into the restaurant and get seated. We order our meals.

Barry asks Noah, "So, how did you guys meet?" Bar-Bar gives me a secret smile, and I raise an eyebrow, wanting to see how he explains this.

"Well, she-I mean- I bumped into her, and when she talked back to me saying she didn't bump into me, I dumped my coffee all over her, and she smashed a cupcake in my face." Noah finishes. I grin victoriously, and Bar-Bar smiles at us from across the booth. I twine my hand with Noah's under the table and rest my head on his shoulder, the butterflies never stopping. Our food comes shortly after. Ohh the noodles look so good! Noah orders some sort of sandwich which smells amazing. Barry orders some fried rice. I immediately dig into my food. It's so good. But I can't stop smelling Noah's sandwich. He catches me staring.

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