Chapter 9: A Filled Mind

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       As for Jungkook, he didn't take a moment to look away from Jimin. He studied him, breathed him, lived him; constantly wanting to see more of his emotions and constantly wanting to count the seconds it took for his eyes to travel back onto his gaze. This left Jungkook in a trance at that very moment; refusing to look up at the time and having to leave the human just like this. Jungkook refused the thought of leaving so soon when he could learn so many things from the way the human lived and adopt those actions for his own. Jungkook took this moment as a learning experience; to learn Jimin's behavior but also get to know him as well.

      When the conversation died down, Jimin yawned and finally laid back on the couch where his body faced the ceiling, yet his head was turned to the direction Jungkook remained. Only now, Jimin didn't find it too hard to look at the robot sitting with perfect posture just across from him. He constantly allowed his eyes to glide across the room and happily allow them to land onto the young Android's blue sapphire eyes.

      "Are you getting sleepy, Jimin?" Jungkook's caring whisper fell into a soft rasp to the ears Jimin carried. Even if the question was soothing and calm like the gentle ripples in a river, Jimin found it difficult to fight back the urge to sleep just to hear more of it. The idea of closing off the innocent conversation they shared seemed criminal.


      "I can tell you're getting sleepy. I should be leaving, the day is at its end," Jungkook announced as he stood up and watched Jimin nod his head and continuously fight his longing to sleep. Since he would normally take many naps throughout the day, his body was used to sleeping very early especially when he doesn't do much any other day.

      "Mh... I'm still up, we can... talk a little... more..." Jimin claimed. In fact, he was fighting back the idea of falling asleep in order to talk to Jungkook a bit more. He never expected to enjoy making connections with someone new and for that he was grateful Taehyung was able to make the moves in order to bring Jungkook into his life today.

      "I'm sure you will be happier sleeping. If your body needs rest, let it have its rest," the android claimed and approached Jimin before he could ever think of leaving. Instead of keeping his distance from Jimin like any other robot would no matter what type they were, Jungkook tested that thought and leaned in to the human in order to speak with him. Causing Jimin's eyes to blow wide under seconds.

       "I... thank you.. for coming...over..." Jimin whispered softly just looking into the eyes of the robot and seeing his own reflection within the waves of the ocean.

      "Thank you for being my friend..." Jungkook added onto the response and finally made a smile as Jimin was left trembling at how close Jungkook became. This caused the robot to tilt his head and finally break the silence with laughter. "Ah, I'm sorry..."

       "W-What?" the human asked. Jungkook then pulled away from the nervous human and patted his head carefully. Allowing Jimin to feel the gentle caress of an android he grew to enjoy having around just for today.

       "I just wanted to see how long it would take for you to look into my eyes. You've been avoiding it all day despite us bonding, does the eyes of an android frighten you?~ don't tell me it does..."

     "Oh, I... sorry about that, I just take a while to look someone in their eyes, especially if I've never met them before. I'm just warming up to you, it will go away soon," Jimin apologized. Yet, he kept thinking back at how close Jungkook stood without keeping his distance like other robots would. This alone caused the yearning for his slumber to leave his body each second Jungkook spoke or looked him in the eyes.

        "That's fine, I tend to make a lot of observations. When I speak to someone," Jungkook then took a pause before stepping away from Jimin and allowing the human to collect himself. "I'm used to looking them in the eyes. My roommate, Hoseok, mentioned it displays confidence. You should try it, it breaks away from the bad habit of disconnecting through contact."

       "Oh... thank you..." Jimin replied and made a smile towards the robot before him. "Maybe soon I will be able to hold a conversation with you, without having the urge to look away. It's like... needles, constantly biting down on my skin when I lock eyes with someone for more than a second. The feeling of being watched... scares me, but nothing scares me more than locking eyes for more than what I'm capable of..."

     "I understand that, but it doesn't hurt to try lasting a little longer. It's not necessary, but it helps with confidence. Also, I noticed you like to describe many things... Do you have an observant eye too?" Jungkook asked, stalling longer than he should just so he wouldn't have to leave so soon.

       "No, I tend to describe many things to my friend; Androids can't feel what humans feel, so, the best thing I can do to help him understand is explaining it just like this," Jimin concluded and finally stood up to walk Jungkook to the door the second he was ready.

      "Oh... well, you don't have to explain it to me, I'm sure I can manage to understand," Jungkook assured Jimin once more as he stood in his personal space again just to pat his head carefully. "Treat me the way you would treat anyone else... anyone that's not an android..."

      "Even if you say so, I would rather explain it... you will become too confused and will need more information to understand what I feel. You can hurt yourself like that, so it's okay if I have to explain, Jungkook. I'm used to it by now."

       Carefully the human's eyes then met with Jungkook's gaze again which felt like the first time every second he would pick up right where he left off. Jimin didn't understand why he was so anxious when it came to the stare this android had. At times, he would have a wave of warmth overcome him, but then the cold would freeze him in his place right after. Jungkook's gaze gave him mixed feelings and sometimes, Jimin just couldn't dare to stare longer than he should.

      "Have it your way...good night, Jimin," Jungkook replied warmly, but his eyes didn't match the soft and tenderness to his voice. At times, Jimin just couldn't tell which tone Jungkook's eyes would settle on.

     "Good night..." Jimin found himself saying into a whisper the second Jungkook walked out of the house that night.

     The second the door closed behind Jungkook, Jimin felt as if he made progress. He smiled to himself and laid back on the couch to reminisce on a new connection he made with his new friend and hoped to have another moment like this once again with Jungkook. There, the young man remained with a filled mind until he found himself drifting away into sleep right on his own couch.

     This moment was rare to him; he never thought he would find himself sleeping and feeling less alone compared to how he slept everyday after his past android left him. Jimin was constantly staying up at night but now, he was too into the idea that he accomplished in making a new friend, he completely forgot how it felt to be lonely and finally slept on time for the night. However, it didn't last as long as he had hoped.

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