But it did nothing as Enmity was unfazed.

Enmity grabbed the arm that Superman used to punched him and squeezed tight holding the hero in place with only his left hand.

Enmity punched Superman square in the gut, a punch thay could be heard around the world.

Superman fell to the ground remaining conscious but the air had been knocked out of him and he couldn't breath.

Clark had been a man who was familiar with pressure.

He had fought the like of The Anti Monitor, Darkseid, Bizzaro, Ultraman, General Zod, hell even his own team mates.

But despite that this had to be the worst ass kicking's he's ever received and thats because the person in charge of the body isn't even home at the moment.

He was fighting something else and that's what made this fight frightening.

That so much power is stored in such a small body.

The difficulty of breathing was taking its toll on the Kryptonian but he was not backing down.

He needed to reach Saitama.

Clark knew the baldy was in there somewhere he just had to dig down deep.

As Superman stood again and swung with all the power he had left and landed a clean shot to the temple of the baldy.

"SAITAMA" screamed Superman trying to reach the Baldy inside.

"I Know Your In There" spoke Superman trying to see for a reaction.

"Listening" continued Superman seeing that Enmity had not fought back yet.

"I Know It's Hard" spoke Superman waiting for the retaliation, a retaltion that was yet to come.

"I Used To Be The Same" as Superman thought of the day where it all began, the day he died by the hands of Doomsday.

"That I Could Solve The Worlds Problems" continued Superman I thought as he remembered the time where I attempted to be at helping hand 24/7.

"That I Could Carry That Cross On My Back" as he remembered when he came to the realization that even Superman needed help.

"And Look Not Just Where It Got Me, But Both Of Us" as Clark Remembered when he was trapped inside Saitama and all the Predicaments that lead to this moment.

"I Brought You Here, Without Me Even Knowing How I Did It, But You Were Brought To This World That You Own No Allegance To" spoke Superman as Brought himself to the present as he raised his head to look into the Eyes of the Baldy before him.

"Yet, You Chose To Be A Hero, To Help Those who needed it" and as they're eyes meet Clark saw emptiness.

"This, Is Not Who You Are" spoke Superman with Truth and Hardship coating his words.

"The Saitama I Know Is Strong" as he punched the baldy with a smashing right punch.

"Enduring" he followed up with a overhead left punch.

"Selfless" he continued with a right straight punch.

"Courages" resuming with a heavy left uppercut.

"Honest" pursued afterward with right smash to the temple.

"A True Hero" as Superman dug deep launching the baldy with a shot to the body as Superman flew right after him.

Superman flew right at saitama with rising Mac speeds.

As he felt he was reaching the baldy.

He felt it, he knew he was getting close, he just needed to pour down more Pressure.

Clark was going to go for a decisive blow.

But Clark flew right into the darkness as he saw nothing but red coming at him and it spelled.


As the words he would hear before before fading into the darkness was.


To Be Continued.


Yeah I know it's been a while since I updated, works been killing me for the past few months but I felt bad so I decided to put this out.

To show that this story is still going, and to show that there is still a lot of content I have with this story before I finish it.

I do want to make something clear with the comment section Real Quick.

As I said in early chapters I don't mind you guys and gals flaming me or my work, that said I want to add on to that.

Flaming Without Any Valid or Reasonable Critique or without giving any context of what I could have done better will be deleted specially if you decide to be an Ass about it.

I write Fanfiction out of a passion to write as well as to develop my writing capability and Story Telling ability.

Now with that on the table.

How did you guys like this chapter, where do you think the story will go, and how do you think the story will end.

With that all said, I'll see you all next chapter.

HEROजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें