The Twin (Hermione Granger)

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The Twin (Hermione Granger)

I've had a crush on Hermione Granger since the first day I met her on the Hogwarts Express. I fell for her smart, snarky self. I sat next to my twin brother as she used a spell to fix my brother's glasses and I was in awe at the fact she was so confident in her spell use.

Until this day, I still like her, despite her not liking me the same way.

My brother was always the more popular one. We have the exact same scar, but for some reason, all eyes were mainly on him.

We were both on the Quidditch team, but he got our father's position. He was the name that was tossed into the goblet of fire. I was just the side character in his life.

When Ron began to date Lavender, it broke Hermione. She cuddled next to my brother while I stood by the window as we saw the couple run by with a giggle, stopping once they saw Hermione.

I was saddened at Hermione's state, wishing that I was the one she was consulting towards. I later found myself in the library, playing wizards chess by myself. "Hey, Casey," I looked up and saw Luna walking towards me, on the opposite side of the table with books in her hands. "What are you doing here by yourself?"

"Um...just distracting myself," I softly smiled as my head rested on my fist. "What are you getting there?" I nodded towards her books.

"Just some books on potions and gargoyles, little things," she shrugged. "Would you like some company?" she gestured to the seat in front of me.

"I wouldn't mind," I smiled and she placed her books down on the chair diagonal from us and grabbed the top one.

"So what's really on your mind, Casey?" She asked as her eyes stayed in the book.

"Nothing," I responded as I made the next move in chess, waiting for the opposite side to move on its own. After making a few more moves, I felt her eyes on me, causing me to look up. "It's nothing, Luna."

"It's something," she pushed, making me sigh.

"It's something that I can't control, so I'll just let me be," I softly smiled.

"I'm not going to push you. I'll be here if you need someone to talk to," she smiled.

"Thanks, Luna," I pressed my lips together, sending a tight smile, and continued my game. After being there for about an hour, we headed into the dining hall for dinner. For the past few weeks, I've avoided sitting with my brother and his friends.

I sat at the end near the doors so I can just leave once I'm done eating. "Hey, Casey," I looked up from my plate and food and saw Hermione.

"Can I help you, Miss Granger?" I asked, looking back down.

"Why would you think I need something?" She questioned.

"Most of you don't talk to me, just to talk, so I'm implying that you need something."

"Well," she began and sat in front of me. "I'm not asking for anything...I just want to know why you've been so quiet lately?" I shrugged.

"Please let me be, Granger," I sighed. "I just want to eat in peace," I looked back down at my food.

"Hey," I heard her say softly. "Look at me," she added and I did just so. "I'm here whenever you need to talk," I pressed my lips together and nodded just slightly. She gave me a small smile before getting up and walking towards the other end of the table.

Once I was done, I headed into my room. I sat by the window and watched the clouds fly by. I should just move on, it's the best thing to do. It's hard when I see her every single day, no matter how much I try to actually avoid her.

My favorite place is the library, as is hers. This is difficult. Seconds later, I decided to take a nap, hoping this is just a bad dream.

The next day after all of the classes, I had quidditch practice. After practicing, I quickly took a shower and went to the library again. It was pretty late, and the holidays were coming so not many people were around. "Casey," I heard and turned around.

"Romilda Vane," she introduced and offered a handshake, which I shook.

"I know. We have charms together, right?" I partially questioned, not being fully sure since I don't really like talking to people.

"Yes," she softly chuckled and placed her hair behind her ear. "So, um--I was wondering if you were available tomorrow? I was thinking, Hogsmeade, and get a cup or two of butterbeer?" she suggested.

Before I could respond, I felt my hand getting held and I was suddenly dragged away. "I-uh-I'll get back to you," I told her and turned my head to see Hermione pulling me out of the library, and through the halls. "Bloody, Hermione, I was just about to get a date," I groaned as she zigzagged and we ended up in the back halls.

"You cannot go out with her. She's not good for you."

"And why the hell not?" I folded my arms as I stood against the wall. "She is apparently the only girl who would. So why say no?" I tilted my head and shrugged.

"Because--" she began.

"I don't want to hear it, Hermione," I shook my head. "You deal with your love life and stay out of mine. I don't understand why you care anyways."


"You have no right--" she made one swift move and appeared centimeters in front of me. She then suddenly grabbed my face and her lips met mine. My eyes widened in shock, my hands fell down to my sides. She then parted our lips and my eyes were still surprised.

"I-I'm sorry," she began to back up.

"I thought you fancied Ron."

"I do...I-I did. I've always liked you, but I was so close to Harry, I didn't know how he would have felt about me liking you. So I pushed my feelings away and started liking Ron. Harry felt too much like a brother," she finished and I shook my head.

I then sighed and looked down at my feet.

"I'm sorry if I made our friendship weirder than it already was," I shook my head again. "Please say something."

"It's not fair. I've liked you for so long and when everything is down in the dumps, then you admit how you feel. It's really not fair, Granger. I won't allow myself to get hurt even more than I already am. Just keep your mindset on Ron, it'll just get worse if you pick me...I know Ron picked someone else, but he'll come back to you, ''I softly smiled. "Good night, Hermione," I finalized before walking away.


Random one-shots//Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ