fourty one

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Harley woke up feeling like shit. She didn't see Robbin anywhere, and she doesn't remember what happened after they had fucked. Which was fine, since she didn't know if it was awkward or not. Harley also didn't see Vince anywhere, which slightly worried her.

She groans as she gets up, finding her keys and clothes before heading down to the breakfast diner. Upon arriving in the kitchen, she saw Vince, Tommy, and Mick hanging around. Vince smirks at Harley as she sits across from him, rubbing her eyes.

"What are you smirking at?" She questions.

"Oh, nothing." Vince grins.

"Vince, c'mon."

"I won't say, other than I know."

"Did he tell you?" Harley demands, leaning forward and starring Vince dead on.

"We just happened to pass as I was coming into the room." Vince shrugs.

"If you say shit, it'll be the end of your days. Especially if you say anything to Nikki." Harley snaps. "Speaking of which, where is he?"

"Dunno. Heard he was in the lobby." Vince says, taking a bite of his food.

"Yeah, apparently Doc invited his mom and he got pissed about it," Tommy adds.

Harley grimaces, knowing of Nikki's mom. "That's rough."

"Mhm. What about your parents, Jones?" Mick questions, glancing at Harley through the top of his sunglasses.

"My mom would combust if she saw us. Hardcore Christian, Jesus Freak. One of those people." Harley tells him.

"Is she bad bad with it?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

Everyone goes silent as Nikki comes into the room, a deep scowl on his face as he sits at the open chair at the table. Everyone cautiously watches him from the corner of their eyes, wanting to read his body language to know how pissed off he was. Which was pretty bad.

Getting up, he storms off into the direction of the hotel's bar, and everyone relaxes slightly. Tommy glances at Harley and nods at Nikki.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"You should go talk to him," Tommy says.

"Why me? You're just as good to talk to him." Harley protests.


"Okay, fine." She sighs, picking up her cereal bowl and heading over to the bar where Nikki sat. Harley jumps up into the chair next to him, scooping a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.

"What are you doing here?" Nikki questions as he takes a drink from his Jack.

"Nothing. Can't I sit here?" Harley responds, giving him her best innocent stare.

"I know you have a reason."

"Are you okay?" She asks, tilting her head slightly as she looks at him.

"I'm fine." He shrugs.

"Nikki." Harley presses, frowning as she watches him.

"What do you want me to say? 'Ooh, Harley, I'm so upset and fucking depressed that my mother doesn't love me and I'm so lost.' No." He scoffs, turning away.

Harley sighs, remembering that this was why she hadn't talked to him yet. She stares into her cereal bowl, which looks like a sad slush of fruity pebbles.

"Okay, fine. I suppose I won't ask you if you're okay." Harley mutters, scooping up the rest of the cereal into her mouth.

"Like you even cared in the first place."

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