thirty five

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Harley was nervous. She sat at the booth, anxiously biting her nails as she watched the door for a bright headful of red hair. She sips at the cocktail she drank, looking over the rim at the entrance of the building.

And there she was, the lighting glowing off of her hair. Despite Harley's issues, Lela still looked beautiful.

Lela smiles at Harley as she sits. "How are you?"

"Okay. Y'know, just exhausted from the tour. Kinda sucks I have to go back this week." Harley tells her.

"I'll miss you. I wish we got to be together more on your break." Lela tells her.

Harley avoids her gaze. She certainly had time to, Harley was just too wrapped up in her thoughts to even consider hanging out with Lela. Her thoughts being drinking, drugs, and staying home by herself.

"Yeah. Sorry I... was just busy." She shrugs.

The waiter comes up to them, taking their order and walking off.

"So how was the tour?" Lela asks.

"Fine, nothing major. Just the usual tour things. Kinda crazy to be in person with Ozzy. Dude's like a fucking crazy person." Harley smiles to herself.

"He sounds like it." She smiles.

The silence was awkward, Lela looking at the table. The waitress saves them by bringing them food, and Harley lights up upon seeing the food.

"Yum, I miss good food." Harley sighs, eating the food.

Lela smiles sadly. "It's weird not seeing you and Jeanie at the restaurant every Wednesday."

"Oh, yeah. I quit Warped Vinyls, so..." She shrugs.

"You did?"

"Yeah. Mark pisses me off, and he's always got a stick up his ass about anything." Harley shrugs.

"He sounded like a pain from what I've heard from you," Lela tells her, picking up her fork to take a bite of the food.

"God, yeah. I hate him." Harley shakes her head.

It was easy to fall back into their usual rhythm, the casual conversation, and occasional laughter. Harley got caught up in Lela's life, learning what she had missed with her girlfriends' job and things outside of her work life.

They never got around to what Harley had intended to talk about, which Harley supposed was okay, even though she wished they could've talked. Everything recently was eating her up inside and she just wanted to confess.

"Do you think you're ready to head out?" Lela asks, tilting her head at Harley.

She nods. "Yeah, I can pay for dinner."

"What? You don't have to." Lela protests. Harley forgot that the last time Lela saw her was when she didn't have that much money still. With the success of "Shout at the Devil", Harley was able to afford a lot now.

"It's on me. Um, take it as an ''I'm sorry for not contacting you enough on tour ''." Harley tells her. Lela seems to accept that, nodding to herself as the waitress takes the payment.

Walking out into the street, Harley takes Lela's hand and smiles at her as she swings their hands together. Lela looks up at the sky, mixed with the glows from the stars and neon lights.

"What do you suppose we do when we get home?" Harley asks, glancing at her girlfriend.

"Watch a movie? Whatever you want." Lela says, smiling as she looks over at her.

"Great, that works for me." Harley grins, stepping forward and giving Lela a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Oh Jesus, really?" A voice groans and Harley glances around to see an older biker-looking man. His arms were crossed as he shakes his head at his buddies, who scoff. "We got a couple of fuckin' dykes here."

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