twenty five

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Once again, the scenery changed around LA, the blistering summer heat cooling slightly as they moved into the winters. To them, it never even looked like it was truly winter without snow, it looked like every other day.

Harley had spent most of the day lounging around Vince's house, the two drinking some and hanging outside his apartment building's pool. It was lucky on their part that they were the only ones out there, as most of the annoying little kids were in school.

"What do you think about the tour?" Harley asks, sipping from her cup. Doc had announced last week that the band would be joining KISS on their Creatures of the Night tour as the opening band. It would be their first real tour, traveling across California. Harley didn't even mind that it was in just Cali, she thought it was cool that she got to tour with Kiss, this fresh onto the rock & roll boat.

"I wanna know why they picked us, though. It's Kiss, even if you don't like them they're kind of like rock and roll legends."

"Probably for a money grab. Aren't they flopping on the charts?" She questions, and he shrugs in response.

"Dunno. It'll be great to see Mick with them in the same room." Vince grins, and Harley snickers as she imagines it.

"To be honest, I Was Made For Lovin' You is still a really good song."

Vince nods in agreement. "Yeah, it is. It'll be interesting to see what they're like in person."

Harley shivers as she takes another drink. "We should go in. It's kinda cold."

The two trek up the staircases back to Vince's apartment, where Beth was. While they were out, she had returned from work. Harley waved at Beth, who gave nothing in response. It proved Harley's point that none of her friends' girlfriends trusted her.

"Hey, babe, how was work?" Vince asks, swooping in and kissing Beth on the cheek. Harley makes a retching sound, and Vince makes a face at her as she grins. This is where she would say she hangs out too much with Tommy.

"Fine. Have you been drinking again?" Beth asks, catching the scent on his breath.

"What? No." He shakes his head, quickly disposing of the bottle that was still in his hand.

"Mhm. Anyway, the fridge is almost empty so I'm going to the grocery store soon. Are you going to come with me?"

"Probably not." He responds.

"Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." She tells him, grabbing her purse as she gets up to leave.

"Can't promise you that," Vince says as Beth sighs in response. Harley gives Beth a mocking goodbye wave.

"You're a bitch, Harley." Beth scoffs as she passes her.

"Thank you, as if I already didn't know that," Harley calls out to her as she walks out the door. "Dude, why do everyone's girlfriends hate me?"

"Probably because they think you'll sleep with us. The only one who should technically be worried is Lita, after all, you have fucked her boyfriend before." Vince responds.

"Oh, fuck off." Harley groans as he laughs to himself.

'What are you up to for the rest of the day?" Vince asks, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"I'm hanging out with Lela later tonight. We're just gonna hang out at my apartment." Harley tells him. She feels slightly guilty for not telling her best friend about her true relationship with Lela, but she wasn't sure how he would take the news. And if Vince knew, that would add one more person to the list that could eventually spill over and the press would find out. And if the press knew there was a queer in Motley Crue, the band would be over before it could even get to the top.

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