02 | we know how the story goes

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Harley was lucky that she didn't have work the next day. She rolls over in her bed, finding her jeans from yesterday where she dug into the pockets in search of the flyer. She pulled out the sheet and read it over again, her eyes landing on the phone number.

Getting up, she makes her way into the kitchen, grabbing the phone and ringing up the number. As she does so, she puts on a pot of coffee. It takes about 3 or 4 rings for the phone to be picked up, and it's not Tommy when they answer.

"This is Nikki Sixx." The unfamiliar voice says, and Harley figures that it's Tommy's bassist.

"Hey. Um, this is Harley, I dunno if he mentioned, but -"

"Right, you're the girl Tommy was talking about," Nikki says. "He said you play guitar?"

"Yeah, I do." Harley nods, even though she knows he can't see her.

"If you're free, come around my apartment around 1. Here's the address," He pauses for a moment for Harley to get a piece of paper to write it down, and then he reads it off to her. "I'll see you then?"

"I suppose so." Harley agrees.

"I'll see you later, then."

"Yeah. See you later."

The line goes dead at the perfect timing of Harley's coffee is ready, and she grabs her favorite mug from her shelf. She's interested to meet this Nikki person, from the way he sounded and how Tommy talked of him, Nikki seemed to be quite a character.

Harley wonders how this whole band will go. She knows most bands that try to make it fail, but of course, the ones known at the current times made it, so why couldn't they? If she even made it in. Harley didn't want to get too far ahead. There was still a possibility that she wouldn't make it past auditions.

She tried not to dwell on that too much as she took a sip of her coffee before wandering to her closet to pick her clothes out for the day. Harley flips through her options, settling on a black shirt tie-dyed with bleach and black shorts.

Harley had to buy or make a lot of her newest clothes since leaving home, which was only just a few months ago. She had been eager to ditch the tight jean skirts and collared shirt combo. Setting her coffee down, she moves into the small bathroom to change. She usually didn't leave the apartment without a full face of makeup, which was mainly just a thick line of eyeliner around her eye rim.

For the short time left in between now and heading to Nikki's, Harley crashed onto the couch and finished her coffee. She flips on the tv and watches whatever was currently playing, too lazy to get up and change the channel. Harley wished the next up-to-date thing of the 1980s was a better way to change stations on a TV.

Harley eventually gets up to empty her coffee mug, and since she had planned on leaving soon, she makes her rounds through her apartment to turn off and unplug every electrical thing. Even if it didn't save a lot in the end, it still saved some from the suffocating total she had to pay every month.

She swings her guitar case onto her shoulder and walks out the door with her amp in her hand, now starting the route to Nikki's. Harley wished she had a car, it would make trips like these less painful and quicker to arrive.

Standing outside the apartment building, Harley double-checks the address before lugging her stuff up the stairs. Finding Nikki's apartment number, she knocks a couple of times before hearing a scuffle inside with a few voices.

Opening the door, Harley met face to face with who she assumed was Nikki. She realized she had no idea what kind of vibe of a band Tommy was aiming for, since Nikki looked more along the lines of a rock and roll band, with the way he too had shoulder-length black hair and bangs that almost covered his eyes. If she squinted hard enough, Harley could almost make out the green eyes under his bangs. He was attractive, but she chose to ignore that for now.

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