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In a blink of an eye, it was already December, and Christmas was a week away. Harley was amazed by how fast her life had changed in a year, but she loved it - she felt happy for once.

The apartment was half decorated, they had a tree up in the corner of the living room. She wondered how they got one - they certainly didn't have the money for one, even with the album bonus - they must have stolen it. Which then raised questions on how they stole it.

The tree in itself was decorated crudely, with beer cans, empty cigarette boxes, girls' underwear, and other things. The only normal thing on the tree was a string of rainbow lights. That was it for decorations in the Motley house. Oh, and of course, they had the classic star tree topper - but with the point upside down.

Harley stared at the tree from the couch, a cup of eggnog in her hand. The other Christmas festivity in the house was that for the month, all alcoholic drinks were replaced with eggnog.

"What are we doing for Christmas?" Harley asks, glancing at the boys.

"Were we doing something?" Nikki questions.

"Yeah, of course! Why wouldn't we?" Tommy says, taking a drink from his cup.

"Nikki's family issues, that's why." Vince comments and Nikki flips him off.

"Family issues aside, we totally should do something. Like, a secret Santa." Harley waves her hands.

"Do we have enough people?"

"Dunno. Or we could just get everyone something." Harley shrugs.

"Most of it will be stolen anyway," Vince tells her and Harley rolls her eyes.

"Right. Well, we can think about it." She says.

Their first December show was a few days before Christmas, and so they celebrated the start of the show by setting fire to the Christmas tree in a field near the apartment. Mick had been dragged along, rolling his eyes at their excitement of the sky-high flames.

The venue was decked out with Christmas, a few trees across the lot and tinsel hung from the ceiling. Tommy and Harley got everyone to wear Christmas hats - Nikki and Vince were reluctant with that but agreed because they had been promised black Santa hats.

And along with their typical sets, they played a few Christmas covers - rock & roll style. A few consisted of some Elvis Christmas songs, which they took a blues-like style for playing. And they ended the set as usual with "Take Me To The Top", before heading off to the party.

At the party, Harley thought it'd be funny to swap the coke with snow, only LA didn't have snow, so unfortunately she couldn't follow through with the prank. Although Harley did lose most of her control at the party, snorting more coke than she usually allowed and drinking more than usual.

Harley didn't drink daily so she was more so on the sloppy side of drinking, her body wasn't fully adjusted to the substances yet. So she stumbled with every step, and when she spoke the volume of it was twice as loud.

She found Nikki hanging out with Tommy, and Harley made her way over to the boys. She leans against Nikki, most of her body weight pressed against him. He glances down at her, frowning as he notices how high her intoxication rate was.

"How much have you drunk?" Nikki asks, looking at Harley.

"Like you're one to ask." She snorts, her words slurring as she spoke. Nikki purses his lips together, before pulling Harley off to their room. Harley frowns, pulling her arm away. "What are you doing?"

"You're drunk and high, so you're not safe out here."

"I'm a big girl, Nikki. I can handle it myself." She snaps, crossing her arms.

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