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The band set into their prime focus mode, making their names big in the scene and working hard to get a record out in a short amount of time.

While they did all that, Harley was bouncing between work and music once again. She attempted to not drink when she had work the next day, not enjoying the results the previous time she had done so.

Harley didn't like the number of drugs she was starting to see around the apartment, but she couldn't exactly control their lives.

She leaned against the counter holding a coffee mug late one afternoon as she listened to the boys rambling on about whatever subject, this time being Tommy's birthday.

"Yeah, so we could have a huge ass Halloween party, with all these drugs and groupies and shit, and it'll be like, a part of my birthday celebration since mine's in October." Tommy explains, waving his hands in the air as he spoke.

"Isn't yours at the beginning of the month though?" Harley questions, taking a sip of the coffee.

"Yeah, but it's fine if the party is still in October." He shrugs, then glances at Harley. "When is yours?"

"August 14."

"Hm..." Tommy looks off into the distance as if he was thinking about what to do about it.

"I don't want a huge party or anything." She quickly adds.

"Why not?" Nikki asks.

"None of those people that'll come are even my friends. I'd rather do something for my birthday with you guys, even though it sounds stupid." She shrugs and glances away. She felt slightly embarrassed that she still enjoyed simple things like that. "So... would Tommy's party be a costume one?"

"Of fucking course it would be!" He says, grinning. "It doesn't even matter that it's only June. October'll be here fast."

"Are you and Bullwinkle going to do a couple costume?" Nikki teases, making Harley laugh as Tommy makes a face.

"First off, couple costumes are lame. Second of all, I don't know if I'll even be dating her by then." Tommy explains.

"Really?" Harley questions.

"She's clingy as fuck, man. And you've seen her when she gets into her fits." Tommy shudders at the thought.

"Yeah, fair point. Imagine having a relationship this far into a band." Harley shakes her head.

"Yeah, but you'd fuck a guy for 20 dollars." Nikki remembered.

"That's different. I'm not tied down to someone. Not that it matters to Tommy anyways." Harley references the many times he's already cheated on Bullwinkle. "And technically, it was two guys for twenty."

"And you want to call us gross?" Nikki rolls his eyes.

"Anyways, why do you keep dating her then?"

"She'd be scary to break up with, and she's freaky during sex." Tommy grins.

"Like Vince said." Nikki pointed out to Harley.

"Don't you guys ever want to be in a relationship for like, the sense of actually being in love? and not just sex?" Harley asks.

Tommy shrugs. "For now it's about the fun. But maybe, in the future. If I meet the right chick."

Nikki shakes his head in response. He's already tried enough recently. The door opening halts the conversation as Mick walks in for practice, ignoring the fact that everyone else was in yesterday's clothes or PJs.

"Where's the singer?" He questions.

"I'll get him." Harley jumps up and walks to Tommy and Vince's room, calling his name as she kicks the door open. She makes a face as she sees him lying there with a girl, both naked.

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