thirty two

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Needless to say, Vince was not happy when he discovered their prank the next morning. He had lost his shit on the four when leaving the shower, he came out with pink ends of his hair.

"I'm going to fucking murder you all and bury you to where Doc can't even find you," Vince announces at breakfast as he walks in. Tommy cackles at the sight, Vince trying to cover his hair with his scarves.

Harley smirks to herself as she sips from her orange juice. "But you still love us, Vin."

"I'm seriously questioning that now," Vince responds, crossing his arms as he sits across from Harley.

"You can't be that mad at me yet, lad, we just met," Ozzy says, sitting at the group's table.

"I could counter that, we did just meet but that gives me even more of a reason to be mad at you."

"Hey, don't say that to Oz! It was Harley's idea." Tommy intervenes.

"Tommy!" Harley exclaims, throwing a bacon strip at him - making him screech and hit it onto the floor.

"Where's Nikki?" Vince asks, glancing among the group. At the table only sat Harley, Tommy, Mick, Ozzy, and the rest of Ozzy's clan.

"Oh, he's just pissed because Harley turned him down again." Tommy shrugs, picking the bacon up off the floor and eating it.

Harley makes a face as he eats it. "It's not my fault he always brings it up at a shitty time."

"When is a good time, then?" Mick asks.

"I dunno, maybe when neither of us is supposed to be committed to someone or when everyone is sober?"

"If you're looking for the latter, that'll never happen," Ozzy tells her.

"Thanks, Ozzy." Harley sighs sarcastically. She stabs her eggs with a fork and shoves them into her mouth as Nikki walks into the kitchen.

"There he is." Tommy points Nikki out.

"You guys talking about me?" Nikki asks, sitting in between Vince and Tommy.

"Nah, just wondering where you were," Vince responds.

Harley stares at him, noting the way he looked like absolute shit. He had noticeable bags under his eyes and Nikki's hair was even more disheveled now. She would ask him if he was okay, but based on last night she was afraid to get a snippy response, so Harley opted out of that.

But apparently, Nikki locked eye contact with her in the time passing, the two having a staring match as everyone else around them chatted about random things. Harley was the first to look away, going back to eating.

The rest of the day passed along fine, them spending most of their extra time in their hotel rooms to relax before the big show. They were playing in one of the huge arenas within Vegas, on a sold-out show. Even though the sold-out part was mainly for Ozzy, it was still terrifying.

At the show, they played most of the "Shout at the Devil" album, with a few hits from "Too Fast For Love". With every thud from the kick drum, the crowd followed with a fist in the air as led by the band, while Harley and Mick played the wailing intro. The fans returned the words of the chorus, everyone moving to the beat.

They play other popular songs from "Shout at the Devil", like Red Hot, Looks That Kill, Too Young To Fall In Love, Ten Seconds To Love, and the Beatles' cover of Helter Skelter.

If playing them live changed Harley's mind on her favorite song, Too Young To Fall In Love was her favorite. She liked the riff, and Harley always thought it was cool that the guitars sang the words with the vocals.

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