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Leonard returned back at Micara's apartment looking proud of himself

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Leonard returned back at Micara's apartment looking proud of himself. Issy and Micara were sat on the sofa, Micara had finally told Issy what was happening in her head and why she asked Leonard to do what he was sent off to do. Issy didn't like the plan. She thought that Micara was getting ahead of herself too much, to Issy, revenge wasn't the way to go. 

The girls turned around at his appearance. 

"Mission sort of achieved," Leonard smirked, turning back into his own self.

"What does that mean?" Micara wondered, beginning to feel a little sceptical. 

"Well, it worked at first, then your sister realized I wasn't the real Samson Hanson, then I turned into you. They all thought I was you then, and were angry at your appearance. You should thank me, it deceived them into thinking you have more power," Leonard informed, leaning on the kitchen counter.

Micara smiled. Her plan was working. She was becoming the powerful one. Her sister would be out of the picture in now time.

"And my kids?" Micara winced, hoping they were alright.

"Well, Jasper had an incident with Samantha, she said something to Maria, and then Jasper told her to apologise, Samantha didn't want to so he grabbed her arms and forced her to-"

"What!?" Micara shouted, "That moron!"

Her heart wrenched. She thought they would be safe with him. He's changed. He would never do that to his family. It has to be Maria. She was the one that brought that gift off of the Volturi. She was the one that caused all of this. Micara clenched her fists. It was too much, Maria had taken her family away, and it was now affecting her beautiful children. Her actions were hurting them physically and mentally.

"Apart from that, everything is fine, right?" Micara stressed, scraping her hair back.

"Samson is quite depressed unfortunately. Before I did what you had send me for, I saw the twins and Leah, the wolfgirl, and Samson was crying on Samantha's shoulder, wanting to see Issy already," Leonard explained with more detail.

Now it was Issy's turn to want to cry. The guilt in her gut made her want to throw up. The thought of seeing him would result in her being and feeling so much better, but untrusted by the rest of the family. She had to do it. She had to see him again. Micara noticed her friends worry and sighed. She knew what the newborn vampire was thinking. Issy saw the half-breed looking and spoke.

"I don't want to go see them unless you're there, but considering the fact that they hate you even more for 'appearing and faking being your own father', I don't think it's a good idea," Issy frowned, playing with her fingers.

"Well I do, as far as I'm concerned, Sam has Leah, Samson needs you, even for a couple days," Micara told, trying to convince her newborn best friend.

"What will you do? I don't want you here alone," Issy rejected, worried for Micara and Sammy.

"I've been alone most of my life, I'm pretty sure I can handle it," Micara babbled, both girls ignoring the fact that Leonard walked away and out of the room.

Leonard walked the short lengths of the corridor that led off into two rooms. He didn't want to ruin their privacy too much, but something stopped him in his tracks. There was a picture on a little side table. A picture of Micara and his daughter who was supposed to be dead next to her. Anabelle. Leonard whipped the picture from the table and held it in his tight grasp.

"She's alive?!" Leonard hissed, walking in and holding the photo up.

Micara winced, "Leo, no," 

"Then why is there a picture- What? How did you know her?" He shot questions at her, missing and hoping he would he his apparent dead daughter.

"Leonard, my sister killed her," Micara frowned, "Maria changed her and we became best friends. But because I'd befriended her, Maria murdered her. How do you know her?" 

"She's my daughter," Leonard shifted uncomfortably. 

"I'm sorry," Issy whispered, knowing loss was hard.

"Oh my God Leo. I am so sorry," Micara mourned, "Ana, Well, Ana was so smart, she always had you in mind,"

Leonard nodded, "So it was your sister. Your sister killed my baby?" 


"And now she has your children and husband?" 

Micara's eyes went wide. She wouldn't- She couldn't! Maria wouldn't do that... Right? She'd already killed so many people. Maria wouldn't dare tough her children, she'd have hell to pay. 

"I don't think she'd do that," Issy shook her head.

"How would you know?" Micara wondered.

"Think about it, truly, she is powerless. She's just a little girl, wanting her dead fathers attention. Wanting attention. That's all she wants. Weather the attention comes from a life or death situation, and weather she's controlling Jasper or not. If there was any chance of his kids being killed, he would break the spell she has under him," Issy explained, thinking deep.

"You don't know that, Jasper seemed pretty... Robotic in a way," Leonard declined that thought being explained.

"Robotic?" Micara repeated.

"His movements were very limited and whenever he moved, he was very stiff," Leo told his previous sighting.

"Oh," Micara mumbled.

"Ok I have a plan," Issy crossed her arms, making the other two look at her, "I go to Forks. See the kids, give them both our phone numbers, and address so if they need us, they can contact  us first and we'll be there, no matter the situation. I'll stay with them for a couple of days, Leonard, if you can, stay here with Micara,"

"I like that plan," Leo nodded in appreciation.

"They'll question you. I don't think any of them will trust you. The kids will of course, but the rest...?" Micara pulled apart the plan, trying to stitch up any flaw.

"Don't worry about it, I've spent my life ignoring people," Issy smiled slightly.

Micara smiled back. "Send pics,"  

Issy nodded, walking to the bedroom to pack some of the little stuff she'd brought.

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