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"It's been different without you believe it or not," Maria scoffed, not believing herself

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"It's been different without you believe it or not," Maria scoffed, not believing herself.

"Glad to be back," Micara lied looking around.

The sofa was where it usually was, there was a different carpet but Maria usually changes that. Everything looked normal. Too normal. 

"Well, I have something planned for your birthday. You will love it," Maria smiled, trying to create some normalicy.

"Really?" Micara asked.

Maria nodded and Micara sighed, going to her old room and sitting on her bed. She frowned when she saw her old drawings, that was something she hadn't done in ages. She threw her suitcase down and slid it under her bed, pulling out her phone as she did so. She turned it on and her face lit when she saw Jasper's name, indicating that he'd texted her.

Are you alright? 

I hope you're ok, I miss you.

How do I know if you've read these?

Micara? Please answer, you've got me worried.

I'm fine, just getting settled in again... I miss you too.

Micara missed Jasper so much. She'd landed in Mexico an hour ago and she missed him. They stayed on call the entire aeroplane ride, neither of them wanted to hang up when she landed. Jasper replied in seconds.

Oh thank God. Has she told you what you're doing for your birthday?

And Micara would've replied if Maria hadn't entered with some sandwiches. This was odd, Micara thought, Maria never did stuff for her. 

"I assume you're hungry after the flight," The older Hanson assumed, handing her the plate.

Micara nodded stiffly. Maria was never nice. Micara started eating because the truth was that she was hungry. She finished the snack and looked at her sister who was sat in the corner of her room.

"Lucy and Nettie are coming round later, just so you know," Maria sighed, wiping her hands on her skirt.

"Ok," Micara nodded, not sure what to say.

Maria looked her her younger sister before shutting her door and leaving the room. Micara took out her phone again and finished a text to Jasper.

No, she said it was a surprise.
Whatever that's supposed to mean.
 Don't worry Jazz, I'll be fine


"Maria! Is she here?" Lucy shouted.

"Yes, I'm here, Goddamn it," Micara sighed walking down the stairs.

They both looked at her, shocked on how she spoke to them though Micara couldn't care. Nettie gave her a look and she just ignored it. Micara hated this and wanted to stay out of trouble. 

"Girls be nice to her," Maria scolded making the girls very surprised.

So she wasn't the only one who thought Maria was being nice to her. Lucy shoved passed Micara, making the half-breed stumble into her sister who held her shoulder to steady her. Micara sent her sister a small smile but Maria didn't return it, though it didn't hurt the half-breed. Micara followed her sister to the living room and they all sat down.

"Let's talk boys," Nettie grinned, clapping her hands together.

Micara engulfed a breath, of course something like this would come up.

"There's this guy I like, we-,"

Micara decided to block out the rest of Nettie's speech, it was explicit and dirty and disgusting. 

"You look like you're going to throw up Micara, what? You don't like boys?" Lucy teased, playfully pushing her shoulder.

"I do, but I did not need to know that," Micara grimaced.

"Tell me Micara, you have your eyes on anyone?" Maria asked her sister.

"No," Micara answered after a second of thought, "All the boys think I'm an accessory or just used to make them look good" She lied.

"Well, use that gift of yours to have fun," Lucy smirked.

"No," Micara scoffed, already having devoted to not use her gift for the bad doings.

"Are you a lesbian?" Nettie laughed.

"No! I like guys. I just don't wanna," Micara scrunched up her nose.

"Fuck, you don't wanna fuck?" Nettie asked making Micara burst out laughing.

They joined in with her, something a little off about the laughter but Micara didn't say anything, she didn't wanna ruin the only fun part of her trip so far.

"No, it's not that. I just don't want to rush into anything. Of course I'd wanna.. What you said but only when the times right," Micara blushed.

It was so embarrassing speaking about this when she actually did have a boyfriend.

"Ha! You're bright red," Maria laughed.

Micara shook her head, apart from being disgustingly sexual with the people they meet, it seemed that Lucy and Nettie were an ok bunch of friends. Not the friends that she'd pick for herself, but friends. She's happy they helped her sister with her depression, otherwise, Micara could be dead. 

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