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Micara sat stunned. Issy frowned in concern but didn't say anything. The twins just held each other tightly. Jasper looked over at Micara, his eyes turning hard, just as a frown overcame his features. Micara gulped, had she done something, and what the frick did Maria mean!? Micara wasn't a monster, she was a kind soul that loved and cherished everything. 

"You're clueless, aren't you?" Maria seethed

"About what?" Micara frowned

Maria scoffed. "You imbecile, I was right, you are stupid," 

"Maria, what are you on about?" Micara demanded

"You! You're insane! You thought that it would be an amazing idea to kill our Mom, scream at me when our Dad died, rampage and kill innocent people, then get depressed and blame me for it!" Maria clenched her fists

The half-breed was terrified. How dare Maria blame all of it on her, how dare Maria make out for her to be the bad guy. 

"When our Dad 'died'?" Micara repeated soullessly.

"Are you deaf?" Maria pouted

This lit a spark in Micara.

"What on Earth do you mean when our Dad died!? You killed him you brainless pig! Right in front of me!" Micara shouted

Maria acted like she's just been hit. Never in her life had Micara spoken, or even insulted her like that. 

"Think of it as payback," Maria hissed, "You killed our Mom in front of me,"

"I did not! You know very well that Mom died giving birth to me! Stop trying to play victim," Micara clenched her jaw

"Micara..." Samson looked at his Mom, teary eyed.

Micara looked at her son and daughter, both of them holding each other. They looked scared. Only Issy was next to them, watching it all unravel. Then Micara looked at her husband who was sat frozen. Wasn't he going to do anything? 

"It doesn't stop there, remember when you killed, just as I did? But, you were much worse, weren't you Micara?" Maria sounded patronising, "You killed just because you could, only I had a reason,"

Micara bared her teeth.

"Wanna know why I did that you stubborn piece of shit!? I did that because of you! Because you made me! Because you killed my best friend! Because you made me miserable! Because you broke me!!!" Micara yelled

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