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Samson and Samantha sat on the sofa, too shocked to move

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Samson and Samantha sat on the sofa, too shocked to move. Their own father had kicked their mother out of the house, who knows where her and Issy had gone. Jasper stood, looking at the door to which his wife left. His face looked blank. So did everyone else's. Samson didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to Issy. He was upset and his elder sister heard his thoughts, making her angry. 

"Ok, what the fuck!? You're insane," Sam pointed at Maria, then at her father, "And you're a psychopath," 

She took hold of her brothers hand and stormed away, out of the house and into the woods, till the light of the cottage made their hearts feel a little warmer. They entered the house, Sam took Sammy upstairs to his bedroom and they both sat on his bed. Silence engulfed the room before Samson started sniffling. Seeming to feel like the only responsible person in the world right now, Samantha gently pushed her brother back so he was leaning on her, and rocked him gently, till the tears on his face evaporated.

Samantha felt like she needed to be strong for her brother. He needed someone there to look after him and since their Dad was being an ass, and their Mom was out of the picture now, she needed to fill that space. When she was certain Samson was asleep, she moved slightly and gently put him in a comfortable position, pulled his shoes off and pulled his duvet over him. She then exited his bedroom, shutting his door on her way out, and walked into hers. 

Samantha didn't know whether to go sit on her bed, or just stand there, feeling sorry for herself. So she did neither. She went to the window, opened it and shivered as the rush of cold air collided with her. She pulled out her phone and dialled Leah's number. Samantha expected her not to pick up, but surprisingly, she did.

"Vampy, you ok?" Leah asked

Sam let out a soft sigh, hearing her voice.

"I am now I can hear you LeeLee," Samantha admitted        

From the other end, Leah frowned, "Want me to come over?"

"I'd like that Leah," Samantha whimpered, feeling like she now had someone to look after her.

"I'm on my way," Leah told then hung up.

About five minutes later, a faint knock echoed up the house. Samantha rushed to answer and a small smile found her way to her face when she saw Leah through the glass door holding a massive chocolate bar. She opened the door and engulfed Leah in a hug.

"This way," Samantha said, allowing Leah into the house and into her bedroom.

Leah sat cross legged on the bed, her shoes by the door, Samantha then copied her actions. 

"I brought this for you," Leah pushed the bar to the sad girl

"Thank you LeeLee," Sam frowned, trying to not cry at Leah's kindness.

"Vampy, Talk to me. What can I do?" Leah wondered

"Stay with me. And don't go," Samantha wept, shuffling closer to Leah.

The wolf girl wrapped an arm around Sam, letting her burrow her crying face into the crook of her neck. Samantha felt a little embarrassed but embraced the hug for as long as she could, and Leah didn't move until the other girl did. Sam moved slightly away from Leah about ten minuets later, so she could look at her. Feeling a little selfish if she didn't eat some of the gift, Samantha opened the bar and snapped off a chunk, offering some to Leah too.

The girls sat and ate chocolate in the dark room until the packet was finished. When Sam let out a yawn, Leah picked up the rubbish and told Sam to get into bed. The half-half-breed vampire snuggled right up into her pillows and patted the side for Leah to lie too. Leah hesitantly took the space and threw the duvet over the both of them. They looked at each other for a second, then Leah leaned in and kissed Samantha's head and quickly turned around so she was looking at Leah's back.

"G'night Vampy," Leah whispered

Samantha smiled slightly, grabbing Leah's shoulder and pulling her on her back. Leah was confused but let Sam do whatever she wanted to do. Samantha rested her head on Leah's chest and shut her eyes, feeling comfortable. Leah smiled as she looked down on her imprint who was looking adorable. Leah then did the only thing she could think of, she put her arms around the saddened girl, who smiled when she felt it. 

"Good night Leah," 

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