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1 Day Before Summer: Graduation

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

1 Day Before Summer: Graduation

Micara was rushing around her room for her graduation outfit. It seemed only a second ago she'd joined that school and now she was leaving it. Though, she felt slightly sad she was already leaving her first school, but she would be with the Cullens for a while, so she would probably visit more schools. Micara found her cap and shoved it in a bag along with the matching overcoat. The half-breed sighed.

Her thoughts trailed to Issy, who would not get to graduate. Instead, the newborn vampire would stay in the Cullen house, studying over some science. Everyone thought that Issy had disappeared. Missing posters of Issy were everywhere, her parents were desperate to find their daughter, hoping she wasn't dead. 

Issy had been struggling. Seeing her face on posters was horrible. Not being allowed out, was horrible. Missing school was horrible. And her thirst- oh don't even get me started. It was like someone stuck a big, hot, branding iron down her throat. She didn't know such pain existed. She and Carlisle had bonded. He was a doctor and she wanted to find a certain cure. Only Carlisle had been let into the secret. He was the only one she trusted.

"Hurry up Cara!" Emmett shouted, suddenly appearing at her open window.

"Take this!" She told, throwing her bag at him.

Emmett disappeared out the window and Micara rushed to her front door. She opened it, shut it then locked it. Rushing down the stairs, she did her hair in the best thing to a bun as possible. Though if someone would say that it looked like a messy bun, she wouldn't stop them from doing so. She looked for Emmett's jeep, with him, Alice and Macey already inside, and ran to it. She got into the back seat, next to Alice and smiled at all three of them. 

"Thanks for doing this," She smiled.

"Yeah," Macey waved off, opening the window and handing her hand out of it. 

Macey was wearing some black sunglasses, and some black denim jeans. She had a white button up shirt on, tucked in, and Her hair was styled similarly like Alice's, but more sharp. Micara figured Alice had done this to her. 

"You are not graduating looking like that Micara," Alice frowned, pulling out the girls hair tie and brushing her dark brown locks with her fingers.

Yep, Alice had done that to Macey. Micara sat still whilst Alice did her hair.

"What would the school think if they're student speech nominee showed up like this," Alice scoffed.

Yes, Micara was picked to speak in front of the audience. She was nervous and was reciting the speech in her head. She had been practicing the words for months now. Jasper had helped her write it, but had not heard her say it out loud. He was exited to hear her words, but she was nervous to perform in front of that many people, but didn't decline the offer. So fidgeting in her seat, Micara rehearsed her written speech in her head.

"Ight, we're here," Emmett told, parking his car then getting out.

Micara shuffled out of the seat then stood in the parking lot. She put her hands in her hoodie pocket but Emmett threw her hood up and she scrunched up her nose playfully at him. Emmett leaned up against his car and watched Micara do the same thing with a sigh. 

"Are you exited?" Emmett asked the half-breed.

She looked up at him. "Yeah, though I'm slightly nervous," 

"You would be, I was, my first time. Though it gets more fun the more times you graduate," He told.

"It does?" Micara frowned, "How?"

"I love throwing my hat up and hitting a teachers head, trying not to get caught," Emmett grinned.

"Oh my God," Micara laughed, watching a red convertible and a grey Volvo pull up.

Jasper was in his usual smart outfit. Plus sunglasses. Jesus, Macey and Jasper really looked good in black sunglasses. Jasper smirked at her when he saw her staring, making her duck her head and blush a little. Emmet chuckled at her whilst Macey scoffed a laugh and Alice giggled. 

"Oh stop, not my fault I have blood," Micara frowned.

"Don't worry, we did the same thing to Bella,"  Alice smiled, sighing over the memories.

"Yeah, that wasn't nice," Bella suddenly appeared, a relaxed smile on her face as she leaned into Edward.

Jasper walked over, taking one hand out of his jeans pocket and wrapped it around Micara. She put her head on his shoulder and looked up at him. Noticing her eyes, he looked down at her with a small smile.

"You look cute in glasses," She told him.

"Thank you Darlin'," He smirked before walking her to her first class.

All of the lessons for that day were playful. The students were free to do whatever they wished in their classes, since it was their last day. The first lesson, Micara came up with a drawing and Jasper watched fondly as she did it. It was supposed to be her and him, and she was pretty sure he could tell.

 It was supposed to be her and him, and she was pretty sure he could tell

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Micara handed it to Jasper once it was finished. He held it in his hand and looked at it, even though he watched her make it, he still found it beautiful. 

"I'm getting this framed," Jasper told, kissing her head.

She smiled. "Sure,"

"How long have you been able to draw like this?" He asked her.

Micara shrugged. Honestly, she just remembered trying to draw then in coming out as good as that. She was happy she could draw though, or else she wouldn't have been able to make Jasper happy just now. 

Lunch came around and Micara sat herself at the table. Emmett immediately gave her his chocolate pudding cup and she took it without a second glance. She ate that then took some fries and ate them. Renesmee gave her a smile and Cara returned. She turned to look at the time and saw that they all had half an hour before they graduated. 

Micara smiled.

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